How to make the game of light that answers

Build this game and try it with your friends. The answers are in different lines of the questions. To play put a pencil covered with tinfoil on top of a clip where the question is, and put another pencil on top of another clip where the answers are. If the answer is correct, the light goes on. When everyone has found the right answers, stick a new piece of paper on the game and write more questions and answers. Look at the following article, how to make the game of light that answers.

You will need to:
  • A piece of cardboard about 30 cm long and 20 cm wide
  • A night light without a screen
  • 16 clips
  • 8 pieces of cables about 40 cm long with bare tips
  • 2 pencils
  • 2 pieces of cables 30 cm long with bare ends
  • Tin paper to cover the pencils
  • A clip and a ruler
  • Scotch tape
Steps to follow:


First of all do with the rule seven lines through the card. Write eight questions on one side of the card. Write a number next to each question.


Then attach a clip to the tips of the 8 pieces of cable by tightly winding the bare ends around the clips. Put a paper clip on the cardboard next to each question.


Then write the answer to the first question on a different line of the question as it appears in the image. Then put the clip on the other end of the question wire on the cardboard next to the answer with the cable under the card.


Then write all the answers in different lines of the questions. Put all the clips of the questions on the site of the correct answers.


Wind one end of each of the two pieces of cable around the two pins in the night light. Make sure the clip's switch is off.


To finish, roll two pencils sharply on tinfoil to use them by touching the two question and answer clips. Join the ends of the two pieces of cable to the tips of the pencils with adhesive tape.