18 outdoor games for young people

If you are a young person or live with teenagers at home, surely contact with mobile phones, tablets and computers is a daily matter. Technology, as has been well demonstrated, makes life easier in many ways: it helps us develop certain skills, keeps us informed and entertains children and adults with some ease.

However, you should bear in mind that a good balance between staying at home and doing outdoor activities is not only necessary but also brings many benefits: it increases energy levels, helps maintain a healthy lifestyle, encourages socialization, strengthens family ties and provides the development of various physical abilities, among many other favorable aspects.

From, we bring you 18 outdoor games for young people so that together you can kill boredom and learn at the same time. Take note!

Outdoor games for young people

Many young people feel apathy for outdoor activities because they do not find anything that arouses their interest. However, there are many creative and original options that, in addition, can be hilarious. Here are some ideas for you to take the first step and invite your family and / or friends to discover new forms of entertainment:

  • The same thing, but outdoors: sure you have some board game that you love kept by the cupboards and drawers of your house. Whether it's Parchís, Monopoly, Pictionary, Trivial, etc., we advise you to take these games to the garden or to a park and enjoy a beautiful sunny day away from home. Yes, mobile phones!
  • Traditional games: there are activities that do not go out of style. Playing hide-and-seek or with a ball will warm you up and encourage you to compete with your family and colleagues . To make the game you choose more interesting, you can make the variations that you like the most and assign prizes and punishments for the winners and losers.

If you and your friends are adults and want to enjoy the best games to drink in a group, take a look at this article.

Let's see, next, the collection of games for young people that you can enjoy outdoors.

Outdoor games for groups

These games not only encourage teamwork, but also entail the desire to achieve a goal together.

Racing with some obstacle

If you have ever played at races, you will know that fun is guaranteed. If you add an obstacle to that, reaching the goal will be a challenge that will entertain and make big and small laugh. These are some variants of the game that you can take into account:

  • With the feet tied: the participants try to advance to the end point of the race with both feet tied with a rope or cord.
  • Of carretillo: this option is played with couples and, as you may have seen, is one of the most fun and crazy to play with friends. One of the two participants must support with the palms of the hands on the floor and the other member of the couple has to lift him by the ankles. The most important thing of this game is that both coordinate correctly to advance without falling.
  • Walking backwards.

In either case, the group that ends first wins without leaving any member aside.

Catch marbles with your feet

To play this variant, groups of three people must be formed. In a plastic container marbles of glass and water are thrown and later, by turns and with limit of time, each member of the team has to try to remove the greater number of balls of the container using only the feet.

After three turns (one for each member) the group with the most marbles wins.

The spoon and the egg

Two groups are formed and, in each, there will be a basket of eggs and spoons for all members. The participants (all at the same time) must travel a previously defined path with a spoon in their mouth, in which they must place an egg. Upon reaching the end, each member has to deposit the egg in a container and return for another. Keep in mind the following points :

  • All members participate at the same time.
  • At the end the eggs of all the participants are added.
  • You can not use your hands.
  • Only the eggs that arrive without breaking count.

The group that manages to transport the largest number of eggs in the established time wins.


It is a race by sections for which you must form two or more groups. You will have to design a route with stops and, in each, pose a task or challenge to fulfill (such as a series of sit-ups, squats, etc.)

A representative of each team previously chosen begins and, at the end of the first stage and the corresponding challenge, is relieved by another member of the team who must run as fast as possible until the next stop. In that, another task awaits you and so on until you reach the end. In this case, the team that ends first the entire course wins.

Strip the rope

All participants must be divided into two groups. A line is drawn on the ground between the two, a rope is taken and each group must pull to its side. As you can imagine, the team wins that gets the opposing participants over the line. This activity, besides being very entertaining and fun, is ideal for born competitors and for each one to demonstrate their strength and endurance.

Rally tracks

Once again, the participants must be divided into groups. Each of these groups will have a clue that will have been previously thought by an outsider that is not in any group . The idea of ​​the game is that the participants are deciphering clues and each of them leads to the next. The last clue will take you to the place where the prize is previously hidden and chosen by other people.

If you are preparing a birthday or similar celebration, this article about What games to do for a children's party will give you great ideas.

Outdoor games with ball

If there is a protagonist in outdoor games, it is the ball, since many young people enjoy only the fact of meeting and kicking. Below, we give you some options to encourage even the laziest.

Ball games

Many traditional ball sports can be played outdoors. Some of them are very popular and do not need anything more than a ball:

  • Volleyball
  • Football
  • Basketball

It is not even necessary that the ball be special for the sport, with a plastic ball will suffice in most cases.

The hot potato

A member of the team will be in charge of the music. It can be a radio, a telephone or you can sing a song yourself. While the music is playing, the rest of the participants will pass the ball, but the moment the music stops or the singer stops singing, the game will stop. Whoever has the ball in their hands should receive a penalty.

Water balloons

It is very similar to the previous one, since the participants must throw each other a balloon full of water. The game continues until it bursts into someone's hands or drops the balloon. In the end, the team that has burst the least balloons wins. You must be ready to end up soaked! If you want to discover How to make a funny and crazy water balloon war for the whole family, do not miss this article from.

Burned point

A very hard ball should not be used for this game. The idea is that whoever has it, tries to "burn" a partner by throwing the ball towards him / her. Meanwhile, everyone is running around him. The one who manages to hit or rub against the ball, is the one who "carries" it, that is, to whom it is up to try to burn the others.


How many series can you do with a ball and your head? This game is very simple: all you have to do to win is to achieve more reps than the rest of your teammates without the ball falling to the ground.

Outdoor games without material

And what if one day you are outdoors with a group of young people and you have the idea of ​​doing some activity, but you do not have a balloon, balloons or any utensil to organize a game?

Nothing remains to sharpen the wit. Do not worry if imagination is not your thing, here we show you fun options to organize outdoor games.

Human knot

In this game, the members must place some very close to each other and form a circle. Then, they should stretch their right arm to take the hand of someone opposite and repeat the same action with the left arm.

In a few minutes, you will have before you a group of people completely rolled up and, the objective, will be unraveled without letting go of your hands . If you do not want everyone to fall to the ground, you must negotiate how to do it in an orderly manner.


The traditional charades are very fun and easy to play. Someone comes forward and tries to represent with gestures and grimaces a movie or television series. The one who guesses the riddle wins something and is the next one doing the mimicry.

Charades can also be done with professions, animals, characters, songs, etc.

The walk of truth

Walking brings many benefits beyond the exercise:

  • It is an easy activity to carry out
  • You do not spend money
  • You can know new places

You can turn a walk into a group game for the purpose of truth (a stone, twig, leaf). Whoever has it in his hands should share something of his that almost nobody knows. Everyone pays attention without intervening. At the end, he passes the stone to another member, who must do the same. In the end you will all know better!

Salt shaker

The participants are placed in a circle facing the center and, at the signal, all close their eyes. A person is outside the circle and carries an object (previously chosen) in the hand. Next, you should go around your classmates and, without being seen, you should place it behind one of the participants.

Everyone is asked to open their eyes and look behind their backs. He who has the object must leave his field and persecute the one who put it. If the latter manages to sit in empty space without being touched, he wins.

The secret code

Each group chooses a representative who, with his eyes closed, must follow the instructions of the rest of his companions to find a hidden object. Thus, it will follow orders such as "up", "down", "right", etc.

The whole game is complicated because these orders do not have a literal meaning, but each of them hides a secret code previously agreed by the group. For example, "to the left" can mean "below". Win who first finds the hidden object.

Any of these outdoor games for young people develops your ingenuity and encourages teamwork and good health for adults and children. From, we invite you to find a time a week to do this type of activities with the youngest at home or share these ideas with your friends so you can enjoy all the funniest games outdoors. What is your favorite game? Is there one that is not on the list and you find it very fun? Tell us!