How to ask for the birth certificate

There are documents that will be necessary for many procedures throughout our lives, so it is important to have them always at hand and safe. One of them is the departure or birth certificate, essential for many of these efforts. In this article we will explain how to request the birth certificate .

Steps to follow:


The birth certificate is a document that is issued by the Civil Registry, which attests to the place where the birth of a person happened, as well as the date and sex of the person, and sometimes the time as well.


Given that it is assumed that the person to whom it corresponds will request it, it can be done in person at the Civil Registry office where the birth was registered, where you will have to fill out a form to do so. For this you will have to prove your identity with your ID or passport.


It can also be requested by postal mail, by sending the previous form, which can be found on the website of the Ministry of Justice, to the Civil Registry, where we will indicate in which direction we wish to receive the birth certificate. We will have to provide the following information about the person from whom we require it:

  • Name and surname
  • Date and place of birth


Another option is to request it electronically, through the website of the Ministry of Justice, provided that we have electronic ID and electronic signature. We can receive it at the address we want.