How to change the ownership of a business

With the crisis, many entrepreneurs have been in a situation of having to transfer their business, since they could not continue managing them. Also, the other side of the coin is that many people have found the opportunity to manage a business already started, without having to create a company from scratch. There are some procedures that we have to carry out when we transfer a business in Spain, including changing the ownership of the business, that in .com we explain how it is done.

Steps to follow:


Before assuming the great responsibility that means to take charge of a business that is not ours and that this is in our hands, we have to verify that everything is in order and up to date with the payments and the corresponding licenses. Some of the key points to keep in mind are:

  • Be aware of all payments with the Treasury, Social Security and their workers.
  • With all the supplies and suppliers of the necessary material.
  • With those to whom the ownership of the premises or the machinery used may belong.


It is important to bear in mind that in order to carry out the transfer, the company in question must have had activity at some time from the last six months to the present.


We will need to have at hand a series of documents to carry out the transfer, these would be:

  • Opening license in force
  • Deed of the company, CIF of the same and DNI / CIF of the owner and the future owner
  • Transmission document


All the procedures, as well as the request for the transmission document, will be made at the Town Hall that corresponds to the business in question.


Once the change in the ownership of the business has been confirmed, we must continue with the activity of the business within a maximum period of six months from the moment of award.