Requirements to turn a car into a classic

The requirements to turn a car into a classic are, basically, that it is more than 25 years old, that it has some technical characteristics that make it unique or that belong to the historical or cultural heritage. Determine it involves a series of procedures that can be expensive, about 600 euros and cumbersome, especially if we are not informed in advance what they are. In we explain in detail all the requirements to turn a car into a classic .

Access roads

The regulation of historical vehicles establishes several different ways for a car to be converted into a classic:

  • That they have passed, at least, 25 years since the automobile was manufactured. In the event that the date can not be determined, the first vehicle registration is taken as reference. If this last data can not be ascertained either, it will begin to count from the date on which that car model stopped producing.
  • The car can also be converted into a classic if it is included in the General Inventory of Movable Property of the Spanish Historical Heritage, if it has been declared to be of cultural interest or if it has a special interest because it belonged to some personality.
  • A car can also be classic when it is a collection, that is, when it has unique or outstanding technical characteristics.


  • The requirements to convert the car into a classic start with the inspection of the car by an official laboratory accredited by the autonomous community in which the procedure is going to take place.
  • Afterwards, the body that each autonomy determines as competent, once the first exam has been passed, has to issue a resolution favorable to the cataloging of the car as classic.
  • Next, the car has to pass the ITV for later and be able to register the car as a historical vehicle before the Provincial Traffic Headquarters.


At the time of going to the official laboratory that will certify that the car meets the requirements to be converted into a classic, we must go with the following documentation :

  • All the documents that we can collect that include the technical characteristics of the car. If we do not have anything, it is advisable to go to a club or association related to historic cars that can issue this information.
  • If the car is cultural and belongs to the General Inventory of Movable Property of the Spanish Historical Heritage, we must carry the document that proves it.
  • Report of the manufacturer or club related to the brand that expresses the reason that justifies that the car can be converted into a classic. In this text, proposals for limitations of vehicle circulation, if any, should be included.
  • Reduced characteristics of the car in which data such as chassis number, date of manufacture and first registration and color photographs of the car in front and behind and on both sides.