What are the main branches of biology

Biology is the science that studies living beings . However, as a science, it has multiple branches that aim to study aspects such as evolution, nutrition, morphogenesis, reproduction, etc. If you are interested in knowing a little more, we show you what are the branches of biology .

Steps to follow:


Cell biology or cytology is the branch of biology responsible for studying the structure and function of cells . This discipline is responsible for understanding what are the properties, structures and functions, among others, as well as their interaction with the environment. Without a doubt, it is a fairly wide field, which could be studied thanks to the creation of the optical microscope.


Also, molecular biology is the discipline responsible for studying biological processes at a molecular level . The truth is that this branch shares aspects of Biology but also of Chemistry, particularly Genetics and Biochemistry. It would focus, mainly, on studying the interactions of the different systems of the cell.


Biology of development is the branch of biology that studies how is the development of living beings from birth until they die . If we go deeper, we must say that this discipline studies the processes by which organisms grow. Thus, it would focus on the genetic controls of cell growth, as well as cellular differentiation and morphogenesis.


Marine Biology is that branch of biology that is responsible for studying all living beings that inhabit the marine environment . This discipline also includes a list of specialties that focus on more specific fields. Thus, we can highlight, for example, ichthyology, which would study fish directly; the malacology, which would take care of the mollusks; the fiction, which would focus on algae; or the cetology, or the study of cetaceans.


In Physiology, we study the functions that living beings have . A branch that deals with studying respiratory functions, reproductive, nervous system etc. Likewise, within physiology, and depending on the type of living organism, we can distinguish between three groups, Plant Physiology, Animal Physiology and, within this latter, Human Physiology.


Genetics is an exciting branch of biology that seeks to study the biological inheritance that is transmitted from generation to generation. It is a quite complex branch whose main object of study are the genes, formed by the DNA and RNA segments.


Zoology is the discipline responsible for studying animal life . As in the rest of the main branches of biology, we find some subdisciplines such as Acuariology or Arachnology, to name a few.


We also have Botany, the discipline of Biology that deals directly with studying vegetables. It is a very broad branch, because it studies everything that has to do with this plant world. Thus, through it we can classify, describe, identify and learn about the reproduction, morphology or physiology of the natural beings of the plant world.


Ecology is the branch of biology that is responsible for studying the relationship that living beings have with their natural habitat . Thus, everything that affects the adaptation of living beings to their different habitats, such as climate or geology, would be studied.


Finally, we also find the Microbiology, science or branch of biology that focuses on studying microorganisms, which are the smallest living beings. These organisms are completely invisible to the eyes of man, therefore they can only be visible through the use of a microscope.