How to celebrate Earth Day

Earth Day is celebrated worldwide on April 22, with the aim of making society aware of the importance of conserving our planet and preserving the environment . The celebration of Earth Day began on April 22, 1970 in the United States, promoted by the senator and environmental activist Gaylord Nelson, and in April 2009 was declared by the United Nations (UN). It is a celebration that concerns all the citizens of the planet, that is why we want to give you some suggestions on how to celebrate Earth Day .

Reduce, recycle and reuse

Apply the rule of the 3 R's: reduce, recycle and reuse . We can always minimize our waste and try to use and consume only what we really need. At the same time, we can give new uses to what we were going to throw away and make the most of it. And, finally, when something is already useless, it is necessary to throw it to the corresponding recycling container so that the pertinent process can be carried out to recycle it.

Plant trees

On Earth Day, we can carry out a simple action such as planting trees that is totally necessary and useful to conserve our forests, those responsible for converting the carbon dioxide (CO2) of the atmosphere into oxygen through its process of photosynthesis., the gas we need to breathe.

Awareness to the little ones

It is important that children become aware of the importance of preserving the Earth since they are small. The ecological culture has become indispensable to improve life on this planet and it is in everyone's hands to contribute our grain of sand day by day. So explain it to the little ones and during Earth Day you can do activities such as going on excursions to see nature, drawing and painting about ecology, etc. You can even make crafts with recycled material to celebrate Earth Day.

Use your bicycle

The bicycle is one of the most ecological means of transport, so Earth Day can be a good time to decide to park the car and go to work, to buy, to walk ... by bicycle. In addition, it is a way of doing sports that will help you to be in shape.

Organize a garbage collection

Agree with a group of people close to you and organize an exit to collect garbage and waste to a nearby site such as a beach, a mountain, a park ... Contribute to keep clean public spaces and the preservation of the planet .

Make every day Earth Day

Turn these actions into habits and cooperate with the environment on a daily basis as if every day was Earth Day . Small gestures of each of us become a great help to conserve the Earth and continue enjoying the planet.

  • Extend among your friends and acquaintances the celebration of Earth Day, to spread the ecological awareness.