When should I change my motorcycle's battery

The battery of the motorcycle is a piece that usually goes unnoticed. We worry about it less than we should, to the point that we only remember when it has stopped working. At this moment, we are assailed by the great doubt: has it been permanently damaged or has it simply been downloaded? In the vast majority of cases, the problem is due to the lack of regular use, which causes the battery to sulfate and end up damaging. In we reveal how and when you should change the battery of your motorcycle .

Steps to follow:


If you are going to start the motorcycle and it does not turn on, not even the light box is indicative that the battery is damaged or discharged . To load it again, you can use a pair of clips connected to another vehicle, matching the positive and negative poles. Start the loaded vehicle first, and your motorcycle next. If it works, it was only downloaded and you can use it without problems. Accelerates and revolutionizes the bike, and takes a walk of about 20 minutes with it.


But if it still does not start, you have to make sure it has to be replaced . For this, you can check it with a battery meter . This device shows you the intensity that the battery is capable of supplying, and how much voltage falls after that intensity. If the supplied voltage is not high enough, it is time to replace it.


It is important to know that batteries have a limit. After a few years, it is possible that it will be damaged by its simple use. If you find the battery indicator on, it may be unloaded, but if it is more than four years old, it is time to replace it with a new one.


If you have been using a motorcycle for a few years, it is also advisable to replace the battery with a new one in order to use your machine without problems.


When buying a battery for your motorcycle, it is not necessary that you go to a workshop, in a large area or shopping center you can find it. Its price varies depending on the brand, but ranges between 15 and 25 euros.


In case you need to change it, the first thing is to locate your location. The batteries are usually under the seat, but it depends on the motorcycle model, so make sure you have it set. As you can see, it is a kind of box with two connectors: one with the positive symbol (+), and another with the negative (-).


The first thing is to disconnect those anchors with special care so that they do not touch each other. First, extract the negative pole (usually black) and then the positive one (usually red).


When they are disconnected, you can remove the battery to replace it with another one. Take the old woman to a workshop or clean point, as it contains toxic liquids and can contaminate.


Take the new battery and place it in the space where the previous one was and proceed to connect the terminals in reverse to the disconnection: starting with the positive pole.

  • If you do not use the bike a lot, we recommend disconnecting the battery to avoid its discharge.