What is the importance of using the safety belt

Using the seatbelt in the vehicle would prevent a high percentage of deaths caused by traffic accidents, as shown by all the investigations and studies carried out so far. It has been shown that the belt is the most effective safety tool to prevent the consequences of any traffic accident. In this article of .com we explain the importance of using the safety belt, wear it always put and protect your life on the road.

Steps to follow:


The main function of the safety belt is to hold and hold the passenger in place, minimize injuries in the event of a collision, prevent the person from leaving the vehicle, hitting with hard elements inside and moving inside the vehicle. Remember that the safety belt is a life insurance, so do not forget, always wear it fastened and drive safely.


It does not matter if you are going to do a short, medium or long distance, urban, motorway, etc. It is mandatory to always wear a seat belt since the majority of traffic accidents that occur are unpredictable and you do not know if you are going to find yourself in that situation at any time.


Take into account, also, that the use of the safety belt is equally important in the front and rear seats of a vehicle. Carrying the belt in the back seats not only protects those passengers but also reduces the risk of death of the driver and co-pilot in an accident. It is proven that a passenger with a weight of 50 kg who travels in the rear of a vehicle traveling at 50 km / h can produce a force of 3000 kg on the front seat when traveling.


To understand the importance of wearing a seat belt, it is necessary to know what happens inside a car in the event of an accident. At the moment there is a collision, two impacts occur in the vehicle: the first is the collision itself and the second is the collision of the occupants with the car itself that can throw them out of it. It thinks that when a collision takes place, the car stops abruptly but the passengers continue traveling at the same speed and the impact can be mortal.


Before starting the vehicle, it is essential to spend a few seconds to put on the seat belt correctly . The lower part of the belt should always be above the thighs and never in the abdomen. It is also important to adjust the height of the upper anchor of the belt so that it is not too high or too low, the right thing to do is to place it in such a way that the belt is resting lightly on the shoulder and well centered.


Therefore, the use of seat belts is essential to protect your life at the wheel and that of all occupants of a vehicle and, of course, is not replaceable by other methods.