How to teach my dog ​​not to cry

Do you want to teach your dog not to cry? Well, the first thing you should know is that if your pet cries it is because he suffers separation anxiety. That is, your dog feels fear of being abandoned, hence the complaints and cries. It is a very common behavior in dogs that are very close to their humans. That crying also occurs when many dogs live in a home. And then, your pet cries because he recognizes you as the leader of the pack and he feels fear when he does not see you. In .com we tell you how to teach your dog not to cry.

Steps to follow:


That crying of your dog is the result of fear . Your goal is to understand that you have no reason to be like this. You can not address this issue by telling your pet "no" or by punishing him or her, in this way, you will only make the problem worse. If you scold him, you will be causing unnecessary discomfort and he will not understand.

The best strategy is to reassure your dog since you can not explain that you are going home, you can teach him that his fears have no reason. One way to make him understand is to start with short exits. Even if it takes some time, you will see that it is a good method. Leave home only for a few minutes and come back. Repeat this frequently several times a day and with the passage of time increases the duration of the outputs.


To teach your dog not to cry, or rather to understand that you are not going to abandon him, try not to make each show a show. That is, every time you have to leave home and leave your pet alone do not turn the return into a scandal . It is natural that as you love your dog a lot when you return home, you greet him effusively but with this attitude you are encouraging him to long for your return in excess, so when you return home try not to greet your pet right away.

It is about not giving importance to the fact of going and returning . When you leave, do it as if your dog is not there and, when you come back, when you open the door do not praise your pet. What you should do is take off your clothes, leave what you have on top and then tell your dog something. If every time you go out you do this, your dog will assimilate that you always come back. Your pet will learn that each exit is not an event.


Another way to make your dog do not cry is to ensure that he is distracted . If you exercise your pet before leaving, you will begin to notice results: go for a walk, run, and play with it. If your companion animal gets tired enough surely then it will complain less for your absence. Also if you are exhausted when you return home after the walk is very likely to fall asleep.

You can also play with him inside your home before leaving. Always have toys filled with sweets ready to stimulate your interest in exercising. If you get your pet to have a great time and be distracted long before you have to leave, he will stop crying. It is also recommended that you leave a toy or accessory to keep him company while he is alone, as long as it is not dangerous.

In we give you some tips so you can play with your dog.


It is very important that you leave a space at home where you feel comfortable and safe. Never enclose your pet in a room, you must ensure that the house is a place for your dog to be happy and calm. Leave some blanket that you like at your fingertips, some garment of yours, or even a bed in which you can take refuge. They are objects that will make you feel good and safe.

What you should never do is go home to reassure your dog. If you do it, it will end up getting used to it and it will always wait for you. This way you are telling him that crying works, and you will make the situation worse. The basic idea is that you must work to show that everything is fine if you are left alone and have nothing to fear.