How to change the air filter of a car

The filters have the function of purifying the vehicle of any impurity that may cause damage to the engine or to the occupants of the vehicle. Filters are a key element for the proper functioning of the vehicle, and its good maintenance can extend the life of the engine. The air filter is responsible for ensuring that the air that reaches the engine is perfectly clean and does not contain impurities. they could damage the engine. That is why it is very important that you know how to change or clean your car's air filter.The fact that you keep your car's filters in good condition is as important as maintaining the mechanisms with which they interact. Avoid saving money on buying good filters, because using low quality filters can be very negative for your car. Think that saving on the maintenance of your car's filters can mean an even greater investment in repairs.

Steps to follow:


First let the engine cool your car, think that it has high temperature when it is in operation.


Lift the hood of your car and look for where the air filter is (you can help with the instruction book of your car), usually located on the top of the engine, near the front glass. Think that they are usually inside a square box.


Once you have located it, with the help of a screwdriver, you must loosen the screws that hold it and then take the filter and slide it out. There are also air filters that are fitted under pressure, read the instruction manual of your car to know what type is yours.


Once you have the air filter in your hands, you should examine it exhaustively and determine at this time if you should clean it or you should change it because it is badly damaged.


The cleaning operation should be done every 5, 000 or 10, 000km, but above all in months of heat due to excess dust and pollen from the trees. If your conclusion is that you must clean it, you must clean it with pressure air that must circulate in the opposite direction to how it circulates when it is sucked by the engine.


The operation to change it must be done every 15, 000 or 20, 000km, very depending on the time of the year in which you find yourself and where you have circulated. If your conclusion is that you must change it, you must buy a new filter, the same model as the old one and simply replace the old filter with the new one and close the box again. You must make sure that the outer box of the filter is hermetically closed. Any crack would cancel out the important work of the air filter.