How to fix the bad carburetion of the motorcycle

Knowing how to fix the bad carburetion of the motorcycle will allow you to do away with some of its main consequences, such as not starting or even shutting down. Performing the main maintenance tasks of the motorcycle periodically will help reduce the chances of this problem appearing. In any case, in .com we explain how to fix the bad carburetion of the motorcycle .

Steps to follow:


First of all, we will explain what the bad carburetion of the motorcycle consists of . We refer to this concept when the carburetor does not perform its task optimally, so that the mixture of air and fuel in the engine is not adequate. As a result, faults can occur such as the motorcycle turning off during the ride or not being able to start.


The first thing we have to do to fix the carburetor of the motorcycle is to locate where it is. For this, consult the manual of your vehicle. It is usually opaque and silver aluminum. Once you have access, the first thing we are going to do is the carburation of the basses. To do this, you must move the screw that is in the lower part of the carburetor and that regulates the air intake.


Already in the upper part of the carburetor, you will find the needle that allows to carbure the average revolutions. We must also work in this part when the lack of gasoline is the reason for the bad carburetion of the motorcycle . The needle has several positions from highest to lowest, normally 5, and you must move it according to your needs. It allows to regulate the amount of fuel that enters the carburetor mixture.


Finally, we will carbure the high ones. You will have to open the tank of the carburetor, which inside contains the so-called float. In its interior there are, also, the chiclés, some screws with a hole through which gasoline passes.


When carbureting the motorcycle, it is necessary to take into account besides the own elements of the carburetor that allow to regulate the mixture, the zone in which we are going to use it. That is, we have to meet criteria such as altitude, proximity to the sea, temperature, etc.


The spark plug is the main indicator of what is the problem that causes the bad carburetion of the motorcycle:

  • Light brown color: the mixture is poor, that is, it is low in fuel.
  • Light brown and black: the mixture is rich, with too much fuel.
  • Dark brown and black color: the mixture is also rich, with a lot of fuel.


As you can see, the operation of fixing the carburetion of the motorcycle is not simple and requires a lot of mechanical knowledge to perform it. So if you are an average user, the most convenient thing is that you go to a trusted mechanic to fix the bad carburetion of your motorcycle.