How often cats are in heat

Zeal in cats is difficult to control since many factors depend on it: the breed, age, environmental conditions of the animal, and so on. But it is true that there are some patterns that follow and that can help us to prevent when a cat will be in heat. In this article we will tell you how often cats are in heat so you can assist and help your pet at this time in which it seeks to reproduce.

Steps to follow:


The first thing we need to know is that you can not treat the heat in cats the same as in cats since the first ones are predisposed during certain times of the year to be fertilized by the male while they are more accessible throughout the year. So, next we will treat both jealousies separately so that you understand the needs of each gender. In this article we tell you how is the zeal in cats so you know well the stages that this period has in the life of your pet.


We started talking about the zeal in the cats . It appears for the first time when they reach the time of puberty, that is, by 6 or 9 months ; you should know that cat breeds with short hair are the ones that experience estrus earlier and, against them, long-haired breeds are the latest (Persians can have heat after 15 months ).


Unlike the zeal of the bitches, the cats can present different jealousies in the same reproductive season . That is to say, it is known that the most prone times for animals to have heat are during the months of more heat and longer days, that is, during spring and summer. During this period a cat can have more than one heat that can last 7 days and go repeating every 15 days; instead the bitches will only have one.


However, it is difficult to know how often a cat is in heat because it depends on different factors such as the following:

  • The weight, race and genetics of the cat influence the frequency of heat.
  • Light and climate are also factors that have a lot to do with the reproductive stage since the cats usually have heat in warm times and where the days are longer.
  • If they are in contact with other cats that have heat, they produce pheromones that can induce heat to other cats.

So, it depends on all these factors to be able to calculate when your cat will be in heat. But, in general, you should keep in mind that during the spring and summer is when your cat will show a more frequent heat.


The case of heat in male cats is different from that of females. From 8 or 12 months of age, a cat is already able to reproduce but show no symptoms as obvious as those of the cats. Cats do not have seasonal jealousy but are willing all the year to fecundate a cat in heat; When he is in contact with a predisposed female, you will notice how his behavior changes and he begins to call the cat, he wallows on the ground, he trembles, and so on.


Although, it is true that the male cat has a less strong libido in times of lower sunlight, ie during winter and autumn . The environmental factor also affects male cats, making them less receptive to cat pheromones during these months of the year.


There are some symptoms of cat estrus that you can easily detect. For example, a male cat will mark its territory with a pee whose smell is stronger, this is done to attract the cat in heat and get to fecundate it. Also, males present a more aggressive attitude in these times and become more territorial.

Both cats and cats, in the breeding season will have more desire to go outside to find the couple. The zeal in the cats is easy to guess since they will be very affectionate, they will be meowing all day with loud cries and they will hardly eat anything. In this article we tell you how to know if my cat is in heat.