How to choose the bridal bouquet

Bridal bouquet is, without doubt, one of the most important and distinctive decorative elements when we are going to get married, so it is essential to choose it properly. The bouquet must complement the dress and look in harmony with it, but it must also look perfect according to our body type and physiognomy. If you have doubts about it and do not know where to start to choose, in .com we explain how to choose the bridal bouquet to look great.

Steps to follow:


The first fundamental key when choosing the bridal bouquet is that you take into account the design of the dress. A wedding dress very elaborate and full of details such as embroidery and rhinestones, merits a simple bouquet, otherwise the final result could be overloaded.

On the contrary, if your dress is simple and with few details, you should use the bridal bouquet in your favor, choosing a more elaborate one with details to perfectly complement your style. We recommend that you always take photos of the dress to the place where you plan to choose or design your bouquet.


The short girls should always opt for a bridal bouquet that is small and preferably round. The branches with fall and elongated do not favor this type of women, because they will make them look smaller.

As for the flowers of the bridal bouquet, the small ones are the best option.


If you are tall you can choose elongated and cascading bouquets, which will stylize your figure without subtracting centimeters. Large flowers are a good choice for this type of women, as long as they look good with the dress.


The colors of the bridal bouquet will be determined in part by the makeup and the type of dress, but once again you should opt for harmony. A bride with classic style will ask for a classic bouquet, and a riskier bride can choose a bouquet out of the conventional, so it is very important to always consult a professional, who can guide you on the right path in a simpler way.

The choice of bridal bouquet flowers is essential, so we invite you to consult several options in this article.


The season of the year also influences. Summer bridal bouquets can be made with lighter flowers and be much looser, while in winter they look better compact bouquets made with flowers of that season or that can be found all year round, like roses for example.


Advise yourself with a specialist and do not be afraid to try the bridal bouquets that best suit your style. Go ahead and experience and enjoy the choice of one of the most emblematic accessories of your wedding.