How to wish a happy wedding day

Whether you are attending or can not attend the wedding, wishing happiness to the bride and groom is an important gesture. The couple appreciates significant words from family and friends, and they feel more secure when they move forward in married life knowing that they have their support. Writing a letter, card or sending a gift are simple ways to wish them a happy wedding day, however, making it personalized and special is crucial.

You will need to:
  • Congratulations card
  • Gift (optional)
  • Gift wrap or bag (optional)
  • Feather
Steps to follow:


Buy a "congratulations" or "good luck" greeting card. If you are also buying a wedding gift, do not forget to buy a nice wrapping paper or a gift bag.


Write a personal message with a pencil under the message or in the center of the card if you bought a blank card. First, address the couple directly by handwriting "Appreciated (insert first the names of the couple)." Below that, add a message similar to the following, which includes your own personal touch with the text: "I wish you happiness and good luck on your wedding day."


If you can not attend the wedding, add an apology to the card (for example, "I am very disappointed that I can not be with you on your special day, but I also send you all my best wishes").


To personalize the card, add a little advice for the couple as they move forward or a comment about where you are and what is currently happening in your life.


Send by mail the card and a gift (optional), with enough time in advance to reach the couple before your wedding day.


If you are sending a wedding greeting internationally, first check how long it will take to send your item (s) so that you can prepare it at least two weeks in advance.

  • To add a touch of personalization and creativity to your card, you could make a humorous drawing (for example, how the couple will look in 50 years) or write a poem about the couple (for example, a haiku or Limerick).