What should my baby do at six months of age

In the second quarter of our baby's life we ​​also observe many changes. It is a period in which the child is able to raise his head, kick, roll over, crawl on the ground, is able to sleep more hours, his sleep rhythms are more regular, among other things. It is also a period in which the baby prepares to crawl. In .com we explain some basic characteristics of this period so you can discover what your baby should do at six months of age .

Steps to follow:


At the end of the sixth month some children manage to stay seated if we put a small support behind their back. But if in the case of putting it on we observe that our son is swinging, it is better that we do not put him sitting down, because this indicates to us that he is not prepared to stay in this position.


We have to let our son play, so his motor skills are strengthened. But we must bear in mind that an ideal time to play is the time of the meal, there the child can practice the mobility of his fingers if we let him manipulate and shred his food.


His way of communicating is still quite limited, but he will try to get the attention of adults in his own way. And when he does we have to answer his calls because in this way we are teaching him to communicate with others.


Throughout this period of time the baby will express their feelings, but we can observe the existence of many mood swings. That is, you can cry for anything and after nothing, when you are distracted, stop doing it.


During this month, your child may start crawling on the floor.