How to finish an email

The way we write is our letter of introduction to the world, everything we write, especially personal letters or emails, has to give an impression about us and our way of being that should fit in how we want others to see us.

Given the importance of writing correctly and using the appropriate formulas, in .com we wanted to give you some tips so you always know how to finish an email and always give the best impression.

Steps to follow:


In real life, the gestures and non-verbal language complement the sound of our words, in this way we can appreciate the irony or the different tones of voice to decipher the intentions of the people.

When we write an email, our interlocutor can not hear us or can read our words with the intonation that we would give if we were talking, so it is essential to explain in detail, without being able to give rise to misunderstandings, everything we want the other to know and the way we want to interpret it.


The beginning and end of an email are very important, because in these formulas you can appreciate the tone and cordiality with which you treat your interlocutor. It is not the same to write an email to your mother, to a friend or your boss, so you should end your email in a different way depending on who you are talking to.


If it is a professional email, for your boss, a potential client or a collaborator you can use any of the following formulas:

  • Cordially,
  • Best regards,
  • Warm greetings,
  • Sincerely,
  • Yours sincerely,

After the comma and on the next line you must write your name and the position you hold, as well as the contact data and other information you think necessary about your professional position. For more information we invite you to visit the following article to know how to write a professional email.


If you are writing an informal email, for an acquaintance, a friend or a relative you do not need to be so cordial, you can write in a more relaxed and close . Some examples of ways you can finish the email:

  • A kiss,
  • Many kisses,
  • See you soon,
  • A hug,
  • A hug,
  • Greetings,
  • My best wishes,

Anyway, if there is a close relationship you do not have to dismiss yourself in any way, you can simply add your name at the end and it is already understood as a farewell formula.


The last possible case is that it is a romantic email, addressed to your partner - or someone you expect it to be -. In this situation any of the above formulas may seem somewhat cold and, considering what we have said before about the possibility of misinterpreting written words, it is always better to use another way of saying goodbye so that there is no doubt about your intentions:

  • With all my love,
  • He loves you,
  • She loves You,
  • Forever yours,
  • Your beloved,


All these are simply orientations, everyone can use the one they want, they can even invent new formulas, simply keep in mind that the way an email is finished, like the language we use when we write it, should be appropriate to the relationship What do we have with the person we talk to?

To make sure it is essential that you read and re-read the email before sending it, putting yourself in the other's shoes and trying to find out if any information is incomplete or could cause confusion. You should only send it when you are sure that the form and content is perfect.