How are the Aquarius

Aquarius is the penultimate sign of the zodiacal wheel and symbolizes generosity and humility. Aquarians are often fanciful, thoughtful and love helping others. They are very intelligent, independent and are endowed with a great imagination, the aquarium can see a multitude of options and solutions even when it seems that there are none, they have an enormous capacity to solve. They can solve any problem or difficult situation, always, without prejudice and attending to all the parties involved. If you want to know more about this special sign, keep reading this article and discover how the Aquarius is .

General characteristics of the Aquarium

There are two different types of Aquarius, one is shy, quiet, patient and sensitive, while the other is energetic, eccentric and very extroverted. However, both are accustomed to living the present in a very intense way, taking advantage of every moment but, always, with a projection of the future. And is that people born under this sign are very organized and need to have everything planned.

Aquarius loves innovation and originality, which is why he avoids being like others, prefers to create his own path and is not afraid to make a difference. They will never follow a stipulated fashion, but on the contrary, they are created by trends. They are free souls, they hate ties and closed spaces, like a good sign of air, they need to breathe. Even being an energetic Aquarian, these people feel a deep need to be alone from time to time, to get away from the world and escape to recover all that energy they have lost.

Aquarius require motivation to get the results that are expected of them, without a mental stimulation they get bored. Achieving stability and self-confidence is paramount for the Aquarius.

How are the Aquarius at work

The Aquarians are very applied, responsible and fast learning workers. They acquire new knowledge with extreme ease and without the need for long explanations. On the other hand, his sensitive part leads him to be easily hurt by an unfortunate comment, a cruel or unconscious gesture. Because of this, we must have a special touch with the Aquarius and tell them negative criticism in an educated and respectful way, never with shouting or rude words.

Their great intellect and desire for innovation leads them to be enterprising people or work on their own. The Aquarius are very tolerant and endowed with an objective or, at least, fair judgment, since they never get carried away by prejudices. Therefore, they are excellent in the field of writing, education or psychology.

How are the Aquarius in love and personal relationships

In love, the Aquarian are delivered, passionate, affectionate and very generous, if they find the couple that adapts perfectly to what they are looking for. The Aquarius being independent people and with a need to escape from time to time, require a partner to give them the space they ask to have time for themselves and dedicate themselves. To seduce an Aquarian you must show your most humanitarian side and avoid falling into convention. If you want to know if you are sexually compatible with Aquarius, here is an article where you can discover it. An Aquarius will never forget or forgive a deception, even if he swears he has overcome it.

Friendship is one of the most important values ​​for Aquarius. It is very difficult for the Aquarians to establish a friendship bond because they believe that a close relationship is always synonymous with pain and suffering. For this reason, they do not usually have many friends but, the few who have them take care of them and give themselves to them like nobody else. Both friends and family members seek creativity, communication and, above all, honesty.