How it is written to swallow or ingest

The G and the J are two graphs that generate doubts at the time of writing correctly in Spanish, especially when they are written before the vowels E and I. Therefore, it is necessary to know some rules of spelling, as well as to know that a unique letter can totally change the meaning of the word. Therefore, we explain in detail how to write or ingest.


If we look in the dictionary for the word "ingest" with / -g /, we find the definition that we all associate with this verb, synonymous with swallowing or eating :

  • Introduce food, drink or medication through your mouth.


  • These pills should not be swallowed before eating.
  • It is important to chew properly and eat foods slowly.


And to the surprise of many, writing "injerir" with / -j / is correct, although it refers to a verb totally different from the previous one:

  • Grafting plants.
  • Put one thing in another.
  • Enter a word, a note, a text, etc. in a writing
  • Enter, enter a dependency or business.


  • It is necessary to ingest the trees to create new varieties of fruit trees.
  • It is difficult to ingest this box inside the other.
  • Before ingesting changes in the text, you must notify me.
  • It will be advisable not to interfere in the merger of the companies.

Ingest or ingest?

In conclusion: it is possible to write "ingest" and "ingest", since both terms are correct ; however, they mean very different things and it will be necessary to take into account what you are referring to in order to be able to