How to care for a blind dog

Caring for a blind dog is a very simple task if we know the aspects that we must take into account. The passage of time also affects our pets and one of the first signs of age in dogs is usually the loss of vision . Also, the appearance of certain diseases can develop a sudden, progressive, temporary or permanent blindness. If your dog has stopped seeing and you do not know what you should do to maintain his quality of life, keep reading this article and discover how to care for a blind dog .

Steps to follow:


The first thing you should learn to take care of your blind dog is that the loss of vision does not imply that your dog has lost the ability to continue living by himself. What does this mean? That you should not overprotect it since in this way we will transmit to our pet the fear and insecurity that we feel. Animals are not aware of their new state, they simply adapt and learn to develop still more other senses to survive.


So, it is not advisable that you do a restructuring of the home or change your things of place, because instead of making your life easier we will be confusing you. Think that dogs are guided by smell rather than by sight, so your dog will find the way to follow depending on the smell. His bed, his bowl, the furniture, etc., give off a characteristic smell that he has internalized since puppy and related to those objects. Of course, if you have decorative elements or any other item with a tip, with which your dog can be hurt, you must place them elsewhere, where they do not have access.


In this sense, do not be scared if at first it collides with the furniture of your house, doors and walls, it is normal. What you should do is try to maintain a certain order . Dogs need a stability and when they lose their vision even more, so to take care of your blind dog it is essential that everything stays in the same place always, especially its bed and bowls of food and water.


If you have stairs in your house , you must have it properly protected to prevent it from falling. Therefore, it is essential that you place a lateral barrier at the height of your dog. Although at first it costs you a little to climb the steps, you must let it be the one who solves that situation, with time it will get used to it and it will go up without problems. If what happens is that, due to the loss of vision, your dog is afraid to go up or down the stairs, you must motivate him to do it with prizes, food or toys.


Especially during the first weeks, it can happen that your blind dog gets disoriented inside the house. Do not worry, it's normal. What you should do in these cases is to set a point of reference, such as your bed or bowl of food, and take it to him. In this way your dog will interpret that this determinate object is his starting point and he will know where in the home he is to get back on track. That is why it is essential that everything is always in the same place.


The hours of play are also included in the care for a blind dog. At this point you should change your toys for others that give off a certain sound, such as those that carry a bell inside. This way, when you throw them, your dog will follow the noise and know where to look for them. Play with him as usual, do not make it easy for him to find and bring the ball, remember not to overprotect him.


Do not modify the times of walks or spaces, still need to exercise. Of course, always use a leash, for him it will be much easier to follow you. Also, remember that toys must be sound. During the walks, it is possible that your blind dog now stops more than before to sniff, both the ground and other dogs, let him take his time. Think that losing sight has developed this sense even more, you need to explore it and exploit it.


As for food, it must be the same. If you notice that you have slightly lost your appetite or stopped eating, what you should do is boost the smell and flavor to attract it to her. Check our article on what to do if my dog ​​does not want to eat, it can be applied perfectly to blind cans.


Finally, a very effective trick for your blind dog to know what to do if he gets lost in the street or finds himself in a space that is unknown to him is to teach him to persecute you . Simply make noisy steps to get your attention and make it go to you, this way you will learn to relate the sound of the steps with the presence of humans and you will know where to go. To take care of a blind dog you just need to have a little patience at the beginning, teach him these new skills and, above all, learn that he is still as capable as before. Remember that he is not aware of it and will adapt quickly.