How do you write end or end

In fine or in short ? Together or separate? Many people wonder what is the correct way to write this expression, and we use it constantly. Writing correctly is essential if we want to make a good impression on those who read our writings or improve our grades if we are studying. We ask this question also with other terms, such as, above all, often or at least. For this reason, in this article we want to show you if it is written end or end .


The first thing you should know is that the word 'enfin' does not exist, so writing it without separation is wrong. This term is not accepted by the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) and, therefore, is incorrect.


The correct form to write this adverbial locution is separated, 'in order', which yes is collected by the RAE. We use this expression, above all, to summarize a situation, state, sensation, etc .:

  • According to the RAE means "in short, in short, in a few words." Examples: In short, the party was a disaster / In short, we can not do anything else.

In this way we see how this phrase formed by the preposition 'in' and the noun 'end' must be written separately, 'in order', always.