How to write curriculum or curriculum

Due to the etymology of certain words or expressions that have been adopted from other languages, it is normal that in many occasions doubt arises about how we should write a certain word. In this article, we show you a clear example of this, answering a frequent question: how to write a curriculum or curriculum . If you want to know the answer, pay attention to the following lines.


In the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), we do find the term "curriculum" by itself, which comes from the Latin locution ' curriculum vitae ', which literally expresses "career of life." The meaning indicated in the RAE is the following:

  • "List of titles, honors, positions, work performed, biographical data, etc., that qualify a person".


A good resume is essential to find a job.

Do not forget to deliver your resume to the company that I told you.

Therefore, we conclude that the term "curriculum" is completely adapted to the Spanish language and to use it and writing it in this way is correct.


On the other hand, the term 'curriculum' itself is registered in the RAE, where it is specified that it is a masculine noun that comes from the Latin word curricŭlum and that in addition to the meaning indicated in the previous step, it can be used to express :

  • "Curriculum."
  • "Set of studies and practices designed for the student to fully develop their possibilities."

In short, it should be summarized that both 'curriculum' and 'curriculum' are accepted words in the Spanish language, so both are correct.