How to forget a boy that you still like

Sentimental breakups are among the hardest experiences to endure. When you really like someone and you have become accustomed to having them in your life, it can be difficult to cope with their absence. But with the right attitudes and behaviors, you can forget the boy you still like, in a very short time.

Steps to follow:


Stay close to close friends. Being alone can make it even harder to forget about the boy you still like. You're going to have a lot of time to sit down and think - and imagine what you're going to be thinking about? Instead, occupy your mind, with your friends.


Sit down to read a book . Choose a good book. Be comfortable. Lose your thoughts in the book, and you will find that you are spending less time thinking about it already.


Keep your head cool . Sometimes it's hard to forget a guy who thinks it's okay to keep talking or flirting with you from time to time. When something like that happens, do not flirt again. Neither you want will not be the best. Remember that, if it was meant to be, they would still be together. You must know that there is something better for you.


Take it out of your life if you know it's the only way you can forget about it . Remove it from your mobile phone, email and any other communication system. It can be difficult to stop sending text messages, because sometimes it is easier to "write" the words than to "say them". But prohibit it.


Start practicing sports systematically if you did not. It will help you to recover your self-esteem and to feel better. It will also help you channel anger in a correct way.


Start writing a diary . When you put your thoughts on paper, you will be surprised how relaxed it becomes. Thoughts trapped in your head go round and round in a destructive cycle. Choose a new cute blog and start writing.

  • Music can help boost your mood immensely, so go buy that CD you've been waiting for all week. listen to it and sing!
  • It's okay to cry. Sometimes crying can be one of the quickest ways to overcome bad feelings. We just have to take them out, and that is what is achieved by crying. So sit down and have a good cry and see how much better you feel already.
  • Be open to find someone new. It is not always good to start a good relationship after a break, but it is useful to keep an eye on some individuals for a while. You never know what can happen.
  • Do not lie. When someone gives you their condolences, do not say you forgot it unless it really is. Smile and try not to say anything at all (if you can do it with courtesy). Most people will have the clue and keep their name out of the conversations.