How to make people donate

Asking for money is never an easy thing to do. When you work for a charitable organization, or if you have a charity of your choice for which you want to raise funds, be aware that you will receive many more rejections than donations. After having the right mindset, there are a couple of things to learn when asking for charitable donations . And although it is not necessary, believe in their cause can be very useful, as it will be reflected in your attitude when asking for donations.

Steps to follow:


Make contact with potential money donors. Send emails, as well as written requests for donations to businesses, residents, family and friends. Make the specific letter, including information about who you are, the cause of the donation and how to donate.


Be specific about what you want. When speaking with people, be specific about the amount of money or the time you want them to donate.


Be resistant If someone says they would like to donate, but will do so in the future, respond by saying, "I understand, but to make it easier, we can take care of that right now."


Find out what your potential donors can offer . If a man has a band, ask him if he would consider holding a charity event. If a woman has a cabin in the mountains, ask if she would donate a weekend getaway for an auction.


Be personal When calling new potential donors, refrain from reading a script. Be genuine and listen to their answers. Building a relationship will help establish a relationship of trust.


Offer incentives to large donors, through, for example, web publications.