How to write an email in English

If you have ever taken English lessons , you will know that the way we have to write an e-mail in Spanish differs very little from English. Where there are more differences is when we send a letter both formal and informal. However, in the following article we provide useful expressions in English to use throughout the email.

Steps to follow:


Before starting to write without rhyme or reason, structure what you want to say well . An email, both in Spanish and English, must consist of three parts: the introduction, the body and the conclusion.


The first is the introduction. In the introduction, the person to whom the email is addressed is greeted and the reason for it is explained. To greet the other person you can use expressions like

  • How are you? (How are you?)
  • I'm glad to hear from you (I'm glad to receive new ones)
  • I hope you're doing fine (I hope you're okay)


Once you have greeted this person, the reason for the email will be explained. If you do not know how to do it, you can always use phrases like I'm writing you because ... (I write to you because ...), I would like to ... (I would like to ...).


In the event that you are not the first to write the email, but you are responding to someone else's, you can start with one of the following expressions:

  • Thanks for your email (Thanks for your email),
  • Glad to hear that you're well (I'm glad to know you're okay),
  • Sorry for not writing earlier (Sorry for not writing before).


Once we have that part ready, we get to the body of the email. This is where more details of why email is given. Try to sort the ideas using connectors like first, second or after. If in the body of the email you need to ask something, you can do it in the following way: Can you please ...? (Can you ...?), Would you mind ...? (Would you mind ...?) Or I was wondering if ... (I was wondering if ...).


The last part of the email is the conclusion. To close elemail use some of the phrases that we propose below, are the most common ways to finish an email in English.

  • Take care (Take care of yourself)
  • Well that's all for now (This is all for now)
  • Keep in touch (Stay in touch)
  • See you (Hasta la vista)