How to write a good opinion piece

Writing an opinion article is very personal, since it reflects the subjective vision of a person on a specific topic. In a subject so subjective and subject to so many interpretations there are few manuals worth, but at least yes you can give some recommendations that you can follow at the beginning if you want to know how to write a good opinion article .

Steps to follow:


Document very well . There are those who daily dedicate themselves to write opinion articles talking about topics that only know about hearsay, but with phrases that sound very clear. Out of respect for readers and oneself, the first step before writing a single letter should be to document enough about a topic, if it is not known in depth. This way, it will be possible to give a more informed opinion and more arguments can be found to defend a specific position.


To write an opinion article, have your own style, but keep in mind who your readers are. It is not the same to write in a generalist national newspaper that in a sports magazine or in a fashion magazine. Each publication has a type of readers and a more or less unitary style, but the good thing about the opinion section is that it allows you to "take your feet off the pot" and leave the writer more freedom. Of course, within the style you choose to maintain (more casual or more serious, more analytical or less precise), the ideal is to maintain recognizable patterns within your writing. At the end of the day every time you publish an article you are contributing to create an image of yourself among your readers, take it into consideration.


Use literary resources appropriately. It will depend fundamentally on the type of audience for which you write, but in general terms you can be hurt by a style too poor and simple as a too overloaded and pedantic. Look for a balance and try not to abuse resources such as metaphor, simile, hyperbole, etc. Of course, these resources are conveniently used to make the difference between simply a good text and an exquisite piece. Mix carefully your ingredients and you will have a first class dish. Abuse them and the guests will leave the dinner prematurely.


If you want to write a good opinion piece add a few drops of humor . More delicate even than the previous point, and more difficult to apply, although it does not seem so. Applying a dose of fine irony or telling a discarding story can make your opinion column a success. Of course, as you try to make a joke without grace or abuses of this resource, the effect can be devastating and can turn against you, so do it with care. But if you think that you are good at this kind of resources, and if the subject allows it, always introduce some humor, your readers will thank you very much.


Have your own criteria This point can also have a special difficulty. Many times the easy thing is to follow the general current of each moment on a specific topic, going for it. However, there are times when the items that are most successful are precisely those that go against the grain. If you have an opinion of your own, even if it does not coincide with the majority, it is certain that many people also appreciate it and will make you stand out from others.


Avoid falling into provocation . Related to the above, it is one thing to have your own criteria and quite another is to pretend a position with the sole purpose of fueling a polemic and easily get many readers. Some people are specialists in these types of strategies, creating literary characters halfway between reality and fiction, but in theory this should not be the way to write a good article of opinion . Maybe at the beginning this type of trickery is the fastest way to easy success and visits on the Internet, but in many cases this type of postures are just discovered and only produce the discredit of the author.


Never stop reading. Press, books, social networks, magazines, digital newspapers. If you want to find inspiration to write about any topic, the best method is to go out and look for it. Equally the radio, the television, the cinema. Be curious and do not stop feeding your gray matter.