How to write a prayer for a funeral

Writing a prayer for one for a funeral can be very painful, but if you do it is very rewarding at the same time. In this article of .com we want to give you some tips to make this letter or prayer better. Approach him as a tribute. Consider a prayer in the context of the person's life. Try to include positive words that encourage the family.

You will need to:
  • Bible
Steps to follow:


Begin the prayer with welcome to the one who is addressed, to God the Father. Mention that life and love are eternal and that the person who has died is not gone forever. Recognize the greatness of the divine and the power to give life and receive it back.


Use sentences written in the Holy Bible, such as Ecclesiastes 3. Other written prayers used in Christian funerals are the "Lord's Prayer" and the "Pastor's Prayer."


Use writings, phrases or expressions of the deceased if possible. The inclusion of a sentence or a paragraph written by the deceased in a sentence makes it more personal. Ask the family members to see the letters or cards in their possession that they received from the deceased.


Mention the talents and attributes of the deceased, which made the person get along very well with others.


Include parts of the prayer taught to the children and consider a version of the song "Jesus loves me" at the end. Mention that angels bring comfort to people, as is evident in many paintings throughout the world. Include a poem in the prayer of the angels. Check your local library to find the books of Helen Steiner Rice and Maya Angelou, poets who have written several appropriate poems and sayings for a funeral oration.


Include things that the deceased loved one did or liked in life. Mention especially hobbies or passions that made the deceased who he was. Be creative and include any common saying that the person liked to use. If you bring a smile to your face, it will also do so with others.

  • Write the sentence and read it instead of memorizing it. Strong emotions can lead to forgetting.