How to care for a pregnant rabbit

If you have decided to pair your rabbit and it is already sure that you are pregnant, you are probably wondering how you should take care of her from now until the moment of delivery. Although rabbits are domestic animals that require less care than a dog, for example, they also need our attention and even more so when they are in gestation period. If you want to know how to take care of your pregnant rabbit .

Steps to follow:


The first thing you should know is how long the pregnancy of a rabbit lasts to more accurately calculate the date of delivery. In general, it is customary to oscillate the 31 days since riding, but if you did not notice the exact day of the ride you should feel the stomach area to notice the kits. When palpating notes like little bumps you will know that your rabbit is pregnant.


During the entire gestation period, you must forget to ration your diet and provide your rabbit with as much food as you want . Remember that now it is not only fed by it, it also does it by the bunnies and, therefore, it requires more food.


The same happens with water. It is important that you are always hydrated, especially if pregnancy occurs during periods of heat, since your hormones are constantly changing and you need to ingest a greater amount of fluid. It is important that you maintain this new feeding until the weaning of the young occurs, then you must return to ration the food. If you do not get all the fluid you need once you have given birth, you can even eat your young.


The rabbits prepare a nest for the moment of the childbirth and usually do it with practically any material that they find, hay, their own hair, leaves and even our clothes. Therefore, it is important that we facilitate this task by providing the material, such as more hay, pressed straw, pressed sawdust, hemp, etc. If you do not have a cage for your rabbit, you must enable some space, such as a box, for the nest.


To take care of your pregnant rabbit, it is important that you take it out of the cage for a while every day so that you can exercise and avoid stress. Not everyone has the right conditions in their home to have a large cage or a space in which the rabbit can live freely, so you should spend some time a day to let go and let it move to your head.


You should treat your pregnant rabbit very gently and, as far as possible, not pick it up so it does not get nervous or stressed. It is very important to avoid any situation that may cause stress or anxiety because you might suffer an abortion. Of course, always maintaining your daily routine, it is not advisable to alter your habits or overwhelm with excessive attention.


It is always advisable to take your rabbit to the veterinarian to follow up on your pregnancy and you can make sure that everything goes correctly. When the kits are born, you should watch that they do not leave the nest since they need to feel the heat of the mother to survive.