How to teach my son to pronounce the S

If your child has diction problems and you are wondering: « How to teach my son to pronounce the S? », It is best to take a speech therapist to help you pronounce correctly. However, there is a series of exercises that you can practice with him and in .com we will show you what they are. Diction and phonetics will be very important in your day to day and the sooner you correct them the easier and better it will be for him.

Steps to follow:


First try to say only the letter S and, to help, the easiest is to make games and imitate sounds you know . For example, how does a balloon when deflated? Exactly, it does "ssssss". You can explain it better with a balloon so you can see it clearer.


You can also try to say words with the S at the beginning (sa-, se-, si-, so- or su-) and make them as simple as possible. For example: sala, soso and suma. Little by little you will be able to move to more advanced levels with trisyllables and syllables with more letters.


Force and exaggerate words with the sound S and ask him to repeat it. It is also advisable that you perform other similar exercises in which you perceive the difference with respect to other letters ; like the T, for which it is necessary to bite the tongue slightly, while for the S it needs to be inside the mouth.


But the most convenient thing is that you take your son to an expert and ask for an appointment with a speech therapist to analyze your case with more detail and attention.