How to convert inches to square feet

The conversion from inches to square feet is a basic formula that uses simple division and multiplication. If you can convert feet to square feet, you can convert inches to square feet. There is only one additional step. For illustrative purposes, the following instructions assume that a room is being measured.

You will need to:
  • Measuring tape
  • Book
  • Pencil
  • Calculator
Steps to follow:


Measure the length of the room and write down the number of inches. Each inch is 2.54 cm.


Convert inches to feet by dividing inches by 12 . For example, if the length of the room is 168 inches, divide 168 by 12 and the answer is 14. That means that the length of the room is 14 feet.


Next, measure the width of the room and write down the number of inches.


Again, convert the inches to feet by dividing the inches by 12. For example, if the width of the room is 120 inches, divide 120 by 12 and the answer is 10. That means that the width of the room is 10 feet.


To determine the square footage, multiply the length and width of the room in feet. In this case, it would be 14 feet x 10 feet = 140 square feet