How to convert feet to millimeters

Although there are two very different sizes of units of measurement, feet and millimeters are a measure of length. The foot is a US unit that is more than 300 times the size of a millimeter in length, and is used to measure distances such as dimensions of a room and human height. A millimeter is a metric unit that is used in measurements that require greater precision. The conversion of measurements from feet to millimeters can be achieved through calculations with conversion factors or special websites.

You will need to:
  • calculator
Steps to follow:


Multiply the measurement in feet by 304.8 to convert an equivalent measurement in millimeters. For example, multiplication of 40 feet by 304.8 converts to 12, 192 mm.


Divide the measurement in feet by 0.0032808399 to turn it into millimeters. For example, the division of the same 40 feet, divided by 0.0032808399 converts to 12, 192 mm.


Convert a measure in feet to a millimeter measure with a tool such as (see Resources). Highlight "feet" in the "From" field, and "millimeter" in the "A" category, and then enter the number of meters in the text box at the top. Press the "Convert" button and the converted original measurements will appear in the "result" section.