How to convert miles to kilometers

There are some countries like the United States that use miles as the unit of length or metric for calculating distances, while in Spain we use kilometers. It is important that you have a reference on how to convert miles to kilometers when you visit that country or others, as well as learn how to perform the necessary calculation to make the conversion. So, in this article we give you a hand and we explain how to convert miles to kilometers.

Steps to follow:


Obviously, the first thing you will need to convert miles to kilometers will be to know or find the distance you are interested in miles .

Let's take an example: we are looking at how much are 5.3 miles in kilometers.


Then, to convert to kilometers you must multiply that distance by 1.609 which is the equivalence between miles and kilometers. Also, you can expand this information in our article: How much is one mile in kilometers?

Following the example set, we must multiply the 5.3 miles by equivalent in kilometers:

5.3 x 1.609 = 8.5277 km

In this way, the result of the multiplication will be the distance in miles converted to kilometers that, in the example taken, would be 8.5277 km.


If necessary, you must round up to stay with only the decimals that interest you. Remember that rounding up or down will depend on whether the subsequent decimal is less, equal to or greater than five. Thus, if it is less than 5, the decimal will be maintained; while if it is 5 or higher, the figure is rounded up.

In our example, if we only want to stay with two decimals of 8.5277, we should look at the third decimal place and, because it is greater than 5, we will round up: 8.53 km.


It is also possible that you need to perform the operation in reverse, that is, move from miles to miles and thus know this equivalence. For this, you just have to follow the steps that we explain in our other article: how to convert from kilometers to miles.