How to cut my rabbit's nails

Although we know that the nails of our rabbit must be cut, it can become a challenge if the rabbit does not want to or gets nervous. The rabbits are immediately upset and it is important not to take fear when we are grooming and cutting their nails because otherwise, it will become a totally complicated task. That's why since we told you how to cut your rabbit's nails.

Steps to follow:


To cut the nails your rabbit gets a nail clipper for cats . They are suitable for rabbits, although if you find a nail clipper for rabbits better than better. Forget about other utensils like normal scissors or tongs.


You have to be calm to be able to transmit to your rabbit serenity and that everything is fine.


Do not do it alone Ask someone else to help you, since it will be better to be able to hold the rabbit and not hurt you with its hind legs or avoid being bitten if it gets very nervous. If your rabbit is too nervous, do not hesitate to go to a third person.


Do not be brusque and talk to him in a soft voice while you cut his nails .


It is convenient to cut your nails always in a well-lit place.


Never cut the meat part, it always has to be the white and clear part, also if you do not see it clear cut only the tip of the nail .


The nails of the front legs grow faster than those of the hind legs, so that the legs of the hind legs can be longer without being cut.


Respect the shape of the nail, making the cut slightly inclined.


If you did a wound, wash and cover the wound immediately to stop the bleeding, if you see that it worsens, go to the vet .