How to calculate a percentage

Do you have to calculate how much is the percent of a quantity and do not remember how to do it? Do not worry, because although the percentages at first glance can scare, the truth is that they are not so complicated to calculate. For this, it is only necessary to carry out some simple mathematical operations that help you discover the result of that percentage.

That's why in the following article we give you all the steps to follow to calculate a percentage, take note!

You will need to:
  • Paper
  • Boli
  • Calculator (optional)
Steps to follow:


When talking about a percentage or percentage we refer to an amount of every 100 units, that is, a number expressed in a fraction with a denominator of 100. The percentage is used to establish relations between two quantities, so that the One hundred indicates the proportional part to that number of quantities of each one hundred.

To represent them, the symbol% is used, which in mathematics equals the factor 0.01. For example, when calculating 25% of a quantity, we will be looking for twenty-five of each hundred.


When calculating a percentage, we will provide the percentage in question and the figure on which we must apply it. It is not valid to say that we calculate a percentage to dry, but we will need to know about how much we should calculate it.

For example, suppose we must calculate 30% of 1200.


To calculate this percentage, we must perform the following mathematical operation: multiply the number of the percentage by the amount :

Example: 30 x 1200 = 36, 000


Once this result is obtained, it will be necessary to divide the figure obtained by 100 :

Example: 36, 000 / 100 = 360

In this way, we have already calculated the percentage and we can say that 30% of 1200 is 360.


However, as we pointed out in the first step, a percentage is equivalent to the factor 0.01, so another way to calculate a percentage will be:

Following the example of calculating 30% of 1200, we will multiply 30 by 0.01:

30 x 0.01 = 0.3

Then, we only have to multiply this factor by the figure on which we calculate the percentage, that is:

0.3 x 1200 = 360

And we will obtain the same result as when applying the previous method to calculate a percentage.

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