How to find someone's address and phone number

Nowadays with the Internet it is a little easier to find out data about a person . What used to take months, bureaucracy, investigations, today can be done in a much simpler way.

If you want to know the address, telephone, e-mail, or all the data of a person, you can follow some of the tips that we show in the following article on how to find someone's address and phone number.

Search a person on the internet:

You can start looking for your name and surname on Google, it is possible that if that person works in a media, has a resume (CV) on the Internet, or participates in a project that may appear. How to search for people in Google? You put your name and surname, and you search ... thousands of results will appear, it is only a question that you read with great patience all the results that appear.

You can also search for a person in the phone book. Doing it now is very easy: you enter the page of the Internet phone book (white pages of Argentina) or in this one that is for everyone. There you can search different data, find addresses, phones, etc. You can also try with the Golden Pages / Yellow Pages .

Use databases of people like Dateas, for example, there specialize in getting, finding out, researching and giving you the data at a very low price, in a totally secure way. Dateas has databases with precise profiles, and you can find out not only the first and last name, you can also find out your ID, address, possible neighbors, jobs, if you owe any credit, etc.

You can also search and find out if a person has debts, the number of a person, find out his salary, among other things; address and address of a person .

Find out your address with a professional

Hiring an investigator or private investigation agency. Some agencies do the hard work and after a while deliver a detailed report, there are also private investigation agencies that make photos, videos, hidden cameras, espionage, etc.

In case you need to find out police or judicial records, it is best to resort to the help of the Federal Police or Provincial Police (as appropriate). They have the corresponding data for people, trials, etc. It is also good to resort to the police in case of people who have left their home, possibly have died, etc.

Find people through legal channels

The Civil Registry, or National Registry of Persons, is the one that fulfills the function of enumerating all the people who are born, live and die in Argentina, as well as to process the corresponding documentation (DNI processing), etc. You can resort to the civil registry office of your municipality, or to the central office in the Federal Capital. You can also request if there are orders for "Birth certificates" or "Death certificates".

Find out address and phone number with newspapers

Go to the newspapers, there may include notices in the section "Social Help" or "Community Services", requesting the whereabouts or information about the person you are looking for. Generally, newspapers have no major problem in including these requests, as long as you justify the importance. Also in the newspapers they can help you to know if that person was published in the funeral announcements section.

If you want to know if a person has debts or has credits in his name, you can consult the Veráz, ask for a Veráz, it is a risk register and credit information . You can also check the database of the AFIP or the DGI.


Resort to the Consulate or Embassy, if you suspect that person may have left the country. It is necessary that you have clues to where you went, and have a little investigated the matter.

Do you want to know about someone? We hope you found this information useful.