How to learn about reading and literature

The benefits of reading and literature go beyond enjoyment . Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. Many people want to be well versed in classical literature, but when faced with centuries of valuable books, they do not know where to start. Effective reading is not a skill that comes naturally for everyone.

You will need to:
  • Access to libraries
Steps to follow:


Attend a literature class at the university. Although this may not be the most economical or convenient option, Spanish literature offers a more exhaustive degree of study than the available literature. The graduates in Spanish literature, are expert readers of literature. Some community colleges offer "Introduction to Literature" courses at night. This is a good option if you want to get a taste for the academic study of literature without committing to several years of study.


Register to obtain a library card at your local library. You can borrow literature for free, including literary anthologies that college students usually study. The libraries contain the collections of the most significant literary contributions of all the centuries.


Read a book in the library or in a bookstore, that has a study of the 50 or 100 literary works of all times. This is a good place to start your study of literature . Often, the authors of these books of literature provide a brief description of each novel or poem, so that you can not only learn about the background of the novel and topics that are discussed, but also know what is the interest of the books.


Find a copy of a literature guide. Guides like these can help make sense of a literary work and make it possible to understand its importance in the literary canon.

  • You could get in touch with groups of people who make meetings to talk about the books.