How to learn advanced Portuguese

Portuguese is the sixth most spoken language in the world, spoken mainly in Portugal and Brazil, as well as in some countries in Africa and on the islands around Indonesia. Although it is relatively easy to learn basic Portuguese, accessing an advanced level can be difficult. Learning an advanced level of Portuguese can prepare you for a job or a trip abroad, perfecting your comprehension skills and the ability to speak fluently. There are several methods you can choose to learn advanced Portuguese according to personal preference.

You will need to:
  • Portuguese books
  • Music in Portuguese
  • Language learning software
  • Portuguese dictionary
Steps to follow:


Go to your library or go online to find books in Portuguese . Find books that interest you, such as novels or topics that you have always wanted to learn. This will motivate you to continue reading, since you not only learn Portuguese but also, you learn new concepts. Try reading the words out loud to improve pronunciation and make your mouth become familiar with the formation of difficult sounds. Use a dictionary when you encounter words that you do not understand.


Search for music in Portuguese in a genre that interests you. Samba is a popular Brazilian music that has a strong rhythm for you to move. Buy discs that show the letters and study them. Practice repeating the lyrics while the music is playing.


Watch local news from Brazil or Portugal. Read various articles and learn about the culture of these countries. Compare the local news of that country to increase the understanding of the structure of the sentence. Read articles aloud to help with pronunciation.


Take a trip to a Portuguese-speaking country such as Brazil or Portugal, immersion is by far the best teacher. Try to read and see everything you can during your stay. Try to go out in this way to meet people, and be able to talk and be social. Try to make friends who can continue talking with you after you leave. Buy books to bring back with you.


Buy a language learning software that has advanced Portuguese classes . Follow the lessons every day to improve comprehension, writing, reading and pronunciation skills.


Find websites that allow you to connect with members who speak Portuguese. Exchange services through teaching Spanish. Write emails or chat and constantly ask for corrections to improve.

  • Do not use a dictionary for every word you do not understand, as this can discourage continuous reading. Use the dictionary once per page or once every two pages.