How to learn to write

Although from childhood we face almost daily the task of writing, when reaching adulthood there are few people who manage to do so effectively, attractive to the reader and free of some kind of error . If you want to improve your written skills, we give you some good advice to take into account to learn how to write correctly.

Steps to follow:


Develop the habit of reading, because there is no better way to learn to write correctly than reading. This activity will provide you with more vocabulary, help you improve your spelling and open your mind to different literary styles.


One of the errors when writing is not knowing how to organize ideas, start with the essence of what you want to convey and then continue with the details. In journalism, a list of questions that you must answer is used to transmit information successfully: what, to whom, how, when, where and why, a key that is very useful when writing informative texts.


Take care of the gender and number, that is to say, write if the nouns are feminine or masculine, if they are well in number, that is, in quantities, and if you do not make any basic grammatical error, if something sounds strange to you, it is worth it. check again.


If you do not have an elaborate vocabulary, avoid the use of complex words, because you could apply them incorrectly and make your effort to write well reduced to nothing.


Do not adorn too much the ideas, a good writing does not imply an excess of redundant and meaningless words, be clear in what you want to transmit in writing and use the resources at your fingertips without exaggeration.


Avoid too long paragraphs and remember that punctuation signs exist and work for something, use them and try to synthesize the ideas without giving too many laps.


Beware of excessive repetition of words and connectors, to write properly is important to use synonyms and have a vocabulary as rich as possible, always have a dictionary of terms and one of synonyms and antonyms or use the electronics offered by the Royal Spanish Academy, the adoptive mother of every writer.


Not necessarily a good writer faces all kinds of texts well, if you are interested in something in particular study and read books about that genre, for example read corporate manuals if you want to improve your writing by work issues, read the press if you feel you should learn to summarize better or read literature if you want to improve this type of written skills.


Review, review and review . Nobody said that good copywriters do not make sure a thousand times that their work is perfect, sometimes to get a correct writing is necessary to change the structure of the text several times, it is part of the process so do not get frustrated.


Consult the article How to write without spelling mistakes to improve your writing even more.

  • To write properly it is important to prepare the mind, read, take care of the spelling, know the basic rules and strive to improve every day
  • You may not see the results immediately, but if you follow these tips you will improve your writing in a short time