How to learn to read Greek

The Greek language is a historical language. The Greek language has been documented for 34 centuries, making it the longest language of ancient Indo-European languages. If you want to learn to read the Greek language and be part of its continued use in the world, there are several methods for you to achieve it.

You will need to:
  • Spanish to Greek dictionary
Steps to follow:


Sign up for a Greek language course . Universities and language specialization centers offer courses in the Greek language. A class will help you read and write the Greek alphabet. It can also help you learn the dynamics of grammar in Greece and the phonetics of written words.


Practice Greek through the Internet. Several Internet sites offer this service. is an educational website dedicated to learning Greek. They offer lesson plans, quizzes and games to help in the practice of this language. The site also gives examples of the language and explains the Greek grammar and its culture. It costs nothing to use this site, but it is a small example of a typical class. For a free online option for Greek classes, take a look at The website offers courses in a variety of languages. For the Greek language, you can take a beginner or intermediate course. You can also practice with native speakers to help you acquire fluency in the language.


Create cards with words in Greek . In order to learn Greek, you must immerse yourself in the language. Write words from the common vocabulary on the flash cards and place them on the corresponding objects in the home. For example, instead of looking at the door and thinking "door, " you can look and read "π? Ρτα". This helps you learn the language quickly through its integration into your daily routine.


Read publications in Greek. Read carefully through Greek newspapers or magazines, such as Ethnos or Monopoli, to get used to the Greek language and to practice reading. Use a Spanish-Greek dictionary for the words you still have to learn. If you are also taking courses with an instructor, take note of sentences you do not understand and ask your teacher about their meaning. Reading novels from Spanish to Greek is also a good way to practice reading. The books contain a Spanish page with the Greek translation on the next page. You can find these types of books at your local library or online through a book retailer.


Read the subtitles in Greek cinema . Rent Greek movies, it's a way to be used to the language and culture of the people. Turn on Greek subtitles while listening to the characters talk. This will help you synchronize spoken language, when the form of the words are in writing. Another method is to watch American movies with Greek subtitles. In this way, you will be able to visually recognize the grammatical structure of sentences and the way it is translated into Spanish.