How to learn to write on the computer

Those who graduated from high school before 1990 could not receive formal education in computer applications, but computers are now essential for almost all occupations. This is why workers without prior training have to learn to use the programs and perform basic tasks to educate themselves. One of the most important fundamentals of computers is the ability to write effectively, without having to search for each key. The typing can be learned autonomously and self-taught, and thus increase the number of Scythian words per minute . In addition to gaining agility and, therefore, perform more in our daily tasks at the computer, this will become a benefit for our curriculum vitae.

Steps to follow:


Place your hands in the central row of computer keys so that the fingers on the left rest on the letters A, S, D, F and the right fingers cover the J, K, L, and Ñ. The thumbs should rest in the space bar.


This is the correct position of the fingers to write efficiently, and allows full-sized hands to reach all letters and other frequently used keys. The F and J keys each contain a raised point that makes finding the center row possible even without looking at the keyboard.


Familiarize yourself with the keys that you must reach with each finger. The key to quick writing is to move the fingers that are in the center row as little as possible. For example, it would be inefficient to press the "Q" key with the right index finger, because the right hand would have to come from the middle row to carry out that task. A slight movement of the left pinkie can touch the Q without disturbing the other fingers.


Memorize the location of each letter on the keyboard . Most people find it easier to group letters into left or right categories, but memorizing each of the three rows in a straight line can also be effective.


Use mnemonic rules (mental association procedure to make it easier to remember something) how to make a phrase with the letters in order on the keyboard, to help you remember the situation of each letter on the keyboard.


Practice learning the location of the memory keys, covering the keyboard as you type. You can ask someone to cover the keyboard with some object so that you can not see the keys or hands, or you can also choose to cover the keys with stickers (which you can later remove without problems).


Write the sentence several times: "The bat flew through the sky and bothered all the insects that made noise and buzzed in the air." . This phrase uses various letters of the alphabet and repeated practice increases the familiarity with the location of each key.


Writing this phrase over and over again also helps to increase speed . The less time you spend thinking about where the keys are, the less time you need to write.

  • Check at your local library or sign up for an online course if you need additional help, explanation or practice.
  • Remember that it is not necessary to keep your fingers on the middle row keys when you are writing a series of numbers. Since they are outside the normal range of the middle finger, it would actually take longer to write the numbers from the position of the middle row.
  • Take a 10-minute break every hour to avoid tension in the wrist, which can lead to medical conditions such as arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome.