8 differences between the North Pole and the South Pole

Although in our mind we conceive the North Pole and the South Pole as two very similar places on the planet, the truth is that they present considerable differences for us to analyze and to know them. It is clear that they are cold places, where ice abounds and where most of the land is uninhabited but, despite these similarities, there are very different points between the two regions that are very curious to know. For this reason, we are going to discover the differences between the North Pole and the South Pole so you know what they are and never again confuse these two areas of the world or treat them as if they were the same because they are not!

The North Pole

Before beginning with the differences between the North Pole and the South Pole, we will analyze the characteristics of each of the poles in order to know them better and, thus, be able to understand their differences as well as their similarities. We start with the North Pole.

It is a region of the world that is located in the northernmost part of our planet. It is also known as an Arctic region and does not contain land mass, but only a mass of ice floating on the ocean. The North Pole is composed of different islands such as the following:

  • Greenland
  • Spitsbergen
  • Earth Francisco José
  • Severnaya Zemlyá Islands
  • Island of Wrangel
  • Bank Island
  • Victoria Island
  • Isle of Ellesmere

The North Pole is surrounded by the Arctic and this is where you will find large glaciers and icebergs. Although it may seem like an area with little capacity for human life, the truth is that there are areas that have populations or inhabited regions such as northern Scandinavia, Greenland or northern Canadian countries.

Among the most characteristic fauna of this region are the polar bears that are currently in danger of extinction due to the increase in the melting caused by climate change and global warming.

The South Pole

Now we will talk about the South Pole and its characteristics in order to understand the differences with respect to the North Pole. It is located in the southernmost part of the Earth and can be known as Antarctica. It is a portion of frozen ground due to the low temperatures and it has glaciations that are almost complete, it contains mountains of ice and a temperature of -25ºC in summer! So, the South Pole is colder than the North Pole, here we find the first significant difference.

It is an area of ​​the world that is almost completely uninhabited because, as we have already mentioned, the cold is much more intense and the terrain is based on high mountains of ice and interconnected valleys. This is also the reason why the amount of flora and fauna in this region is much lower than that found in the North Pole.

Among the most outstanding fauna resident in the South Pole, we highlight the penguins, animals that only inhabit this part of the world, it is their natural habitat. There are no towns or settlements of people living in this area although, yes, it may be that there are scientists conducting research within their field but do not reside there but are on an occasional basis to carry out their study.

Main differences between the North Pole and the South Pole

We begin to indicate the differences between the North Pole and the South Pole as a compendium. Attentive!

  • In the South Pole the temperatures are much lower than in the North Pole and, therefore, has much thicker ice layers.
  • In the North Pole there are areas in which SÍ lives people but in the zone of the South practically nobody lives, except groups of scientists who are going to make expeditions.
  • In the North Pole there is much more variety of fauna and flora because temperatures are not as extreme as in the South.
  • If we speak strictly of fauna we find that the North Pole is the natural habitat of the polar bears and the South Pole of the penguins.
  • The geographical location is also a difference, evident, but it makes a difference: one is in the North, occupying the Arctic region and the other is in the South, occupying the Antarctic region.
  • The extension of each Pole is also significant since the one that contains the South Pole is much larger than that found in the North.
  • The limit of the North Pole is the continent that is more to the north of the world (Canada, the northern part of Russia, etc.), however, the boundary of the South Pole is an island that is surrounded by the glacial Antarctic.
  • And finally, the last of the differences between the North Pole and the South Pole is found in the fact that the former was discovered much earlier and, in fact, has always been inhabited by barbarian tribes of Vikings; The South Pole, on the other hand, was discovered a short time ago and is still being studied.