Home remedies to cure canine conjunctivitis

Curing canine conjunctivitis is a simple task that requires medical treatment and dedication. In general, veterinarians prescribe the use of antibiotic eye drops to combat this ocular condition. However, this is not the only care that your dog requires, since you must clean the affected eye regularly and the appropriate remedies. For this, there are physiological sera that must also be prescribed by the veterinarian. If you want to accelerate the healing process and supplement the pharmacological treatment with natural remedies, keep reading this article and discover the most effective home remedies to cure canine cannunitivitis .

Steps to follow:


It is important to emphasize that you should not stop using the eye drops prescribed by the veterinarian nor the physiological saline for eye cleaning. The home remedies should always be a complement to cure the pathology, not the only solution. Also, if your dog has just presented the first symptoms, do not hesitate to go to the veterinarian, because the cause will determine one type of treatment or another.


To prevent your dog from scratching his eye damaged by conjunctivitis, you must purchase an Elizabethan collar, more popularly known as a bell. One of the most effective natural remedies for eye cleaning your dog is black tea . You should clean the correct eye three times a day with this remedy. It is important that you do it using a clean gauze, with smooth movements and without rubbing, simply slide the gauze always in the same direction until the eye is completely clean.


In addition to black tea, there are other very beneficial infusions to cure canine conjunctivitis. The most effective are chamomile and horsetail . Remember that there are a number of toxic plants for dogs, so not all are worth. If you want, you can alternate the three types of infusion and perform an eye cleaning with each one. The procedure is the same, use a clean gauze and do not rub the damaged eye.


A very effective home remedy to reduce the redness caused by canine conjunctivitis is to alternate compresses of warm water with cold . The cold allows reducing the redness of the affected eye while decreasing inflammation, while heat is good to relieve irritation. You should leave the compresses for five minutes to be effective.


Of course, a balanced diet, quality, and with the necessary nutrients and proteins, canine conjunctivitis will heal more quickly. Likewise, following the proper diet will favor the prevention of it, especially if your dog is prone to suffer from these types of conditions. Remember that it is very important that you do not scratch your eyes, or expose your dog to toxic products, such as solvents or gases, that would worsen his condition. Before using any home remedy consult with your veterinarian, you may be allergic to any of them.