What a dog should eat with diarrhea

Our dog can also suffer gastric affections that lead to diarrhea, a picture that always generates concern in the owners because they do not know why the animal presents soft stools and how to help it improve. Of course, first of all it is important to have clear the possible causes of this condition and act offering the animal everything it needs to stay nourished and hydrated while this condition is maintained. Therefore, we explain in detail what a dog should eat with diarrhea and when to consult the veterinarian.

Most common causes of diarrhea in the dog

As with humans, any radical change in the diet of the dog, the intake of some foreign substance or the presence of parasites and bacteria, can cause diarrhea, so it is important to be vigilant and try to discover the origin of this condition.

Some common causes for which your dog may have diarrhea are:

  • Ingestion of some strange or toxic substance, garbage or any decomposed food. Eating any of the toxic foods for dogs can also cause upset stomach.
  • Drastic change in the animal's diet: moving from one brand to another, from feed to canned food or from feed to homemade food can cause intestinal disorders.
  • Presence of gastrointestinal bacteria or parasites.
  • Food allergies

If you suspect that your dog has ingested a highly toxic substance, such as poison, a cleaning product, etc., it is imperative that you take it immediately to the veterinarian, as your animal may be in serious danger. In addition, trying to find the cause of the diarrhea in the dog will be of great help to promote their recovery.

Suppress food for 12 hours

If we do not know why the dog has diarrhea or suspect that it is due to the intake of some decomposed or inadequate food for the animal, the first thing we must do is suppress any type of food for 12 hours . It is important that the dog discard everything that is in your stomach before offering other meals, this way we can determine if the diarrhea was a specific episode or there are many continuous stools that indicate a more serious problem.

How to hydrate a dog with diarrhea

While a dog with diarrhea should be kept fasting for 12 hours, it is essential that the animal consume plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. Therefore, it is recommended:

  • Change the water at least 3 times a day to make sure it is fresh for the animal.
  • If the dog refuses to drink, approach him and offer him ice cubes for the lama, this solution will help keep him hydrated.
  • Add a teaspoon of sugar to your dog's water, this will stimulate him to drink, because the sweet flavor attracts a lot of dogs.
  • Prepare a homemade broth with only chicken and a little carrots, without salt or condiments of any kind. Strain the broth and reserve the chicken, use this broth to serve your dog and make him drink liquid, this will help replenish and hydrate effectively.

What to feed a dog with diarrhea

If after 12 hours, and after hydration, your dog's diarrhea has stopped, then it is important to introduce the food little by little, always in several doses per day, because the stomach of the animal is very sensitive.

If you wonder what a dog with diarrhea should eat, it is best to opt for a soft diet, so you can:

  • Serve a small portion of cooked rice without salt or seasonings accompanied by a bit of shredded chicken prepared without any seasoning. The portion should not be large and the ideal is to serve two or three portions throughout the day so that the dog will eat little by little.
  • Chicken broth is also a good option. You can prepare it with vegetables such as carrots or squash, without salt or seasonings and always without onion or garlic, because these foods are toxic to the dog.
  • If you do not want to give up dog food or do not have the time to cook, you can always use foods specially designed for these animals and formulated to treat this type of problem. A clear example of this is Naku, a brand specialized in the production of dehydrated natural food for dogs . All its products are fresh and suitable for human consumption, a fact that guarantees its quality and excellent results. Likewise, it allows to offer these animals the contribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates that your body needs to stay healthy and strong. To prepare it, simply add the amount of water indicated in the package to hydrate the food again. In this way, we are not only giving our dog a very nutritious food, but we are also providing him with that extra hydration he needs so much after having overcome a picture of diarrhea. Now, what product to choose? Naku has created a range of products formulated to treat all kinds of gastrointestinal problems, such as vomiting and diarrhea in dogs, based on easily digested foods that help restore intestinal flora, such as apple, potato, yogurt or the chicken.
  • In addition to preparing a soft diet, it is essential that you keep hydrating your dog, remember that this is important for him to recover completely.

When to go immediately to the veterinarian?

There are cases in which we must act quickly if our dog has diarrhea . That is why we recommend you to visit the veterinarian immediately if your animal:

  • It weighs less than two kilos, in this case it is not convenient for the dog to fast.
  • If the dog after 12 hours of fasting continues to have diarrhea.
  • If diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting, fever or bloody stools.
  • If the dog with diarrhea is also apathetic, weak and does not play.
  • When we suspect that the diarrhea can be the product of the ingestion of some toxic substance, a chemical or some poison.