What the platypus eats and where does it live

Have you ever wondered what the platypus eats and where does it live? Surely you know that this peculiar animal lives in the water and that it is similar to the beaver. However, why have we never encountered one? The truth is that we are facing a unique animal in its species and its diet is mainly carnivorous, feeding on small animals, but also algae.

Its body is similar to that of an otter, its snout could well be that of a duck and its tail looks like that of the beaver. But that's not all, continue reading this article to discover what the platypus eats and where it lives ; we assure you that there are more features of this impressive animal that you do not know and will hallucinate you.

Characteristics of the platypus

The platypus is a mammalian animal, semi-aquatic and mainly carnivorous. So far we could think that it is only a species similar to the otter or beaver, however, the main characteristic of this animal is that despite being a mammal, it lays eggs . Surprised? The platypus is part of a group of mammals known as monothemas that are the only mammals that lay eggs instead of giving birth to offspring.

But this is not all, this animal has a duck's beak, a beaver's tail and an otter's body, a very unusual mixture that turns the platypus into a unique animal worthy of admiration. If you also add that it is equipped with a spur on its hind legs that produces poison, there is no doubt about the peculiarity of the animal. In fact, it has been the subject of study since its discovery in the field of evolutionary biology, where it has been trying to find out how it has adapted over time and how these changes have occurred.

What the platypus eats

The platypus feed is mainly composed of algae found at the bottom of rivers, streams and lakes and animals that inhabit them, such as insects, shrimps, worms, crustaceans and mollusks. Despite their size, platypuses are voraciously hungry and can eat up to 20% of their body weight per day. Like mice and other rodents, the platypus is endowed with small jaw sacs in which you can deposit food to digest it later.

So, platypus feed on:

  • Insects
  • Prawns
  • Crustaceans
  • Molluscs
  • Earthworms
  • Algae

When the platypus eat

The time of day when this animal is most active is during the night. Take advantage of the darkness to hunt their prey and hide from possible predators, such as snakes, eels, owls, eagles or hawks, among others. In this way, when the platypus dims, it leaves its burrow in search of food, while during the day it tends to show you less active.

How they locate their prey

It is especially interesting to know that monothemes are also the only ones endowed with a system known as electroreception. Through this they are able to detect their prey through electric fields generated by muscles located in their snout, making the platypus an excellent hunter.

Feeding the platypus pups

Like most mammals, the platypus babies' diet is based on breast milk. In the case of this animal this period usually lasts between 3 and 4 months, from which they begin to look for their own food and adapt their diet to that of an adult platypus.

Where the platypus lives

The habitat of the platypus is the oceanic continent, specifically Australia. This continent has provided the platypus with suitable climatic conditions for its survival, despite the existence of different habitats and climates in them. In the case of the island of Tasmania the climate is mainly cold in its mountainous areas, whereas in the tropical forests of Queensland these animals are found with higher temperatures. Platypuses live in lakes, rivers and streams and spend much of the day underwater, where they can protect themselves from their prey.

How the platypus reproduces

When they are not in the breeding season, platypus live in simple burrows that build on land, which provides security and a place to take refuge. At the time of mating, the usual courtship of some animals begins. In the case of the platypus, the couple makes circular movements in the water while the male grabs the tail of the female with its beak.

Once the mating is over, the female begins the construction of a second burrow inside the water with an approximate depth of half a meter and dimensions that can reach up to 18 meters which she fills with dead earth and leaves.

How many eggs do the platypus put?

In general, platypuses put two or three eggs similar to those of reptiles, which are gestated for four weeks in the mother's womb before being expelled. At birth, the young have no hair, are blind and begin to feed on the mother's milk.

How much does a platypus live?

The life expectancy of a platypus is about 11 years in freedom, however, some of these mammals have lived up to 17 years in captivity .

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