What does the hashtag BN and BD mean?

Are you wondering what the hashtags #BN and #BD mean ? Surely you've seen them lots of times in the tweets of the people you follow, but you do not dare to use them because you do not know their exact use, right? We are here to help you and quickly we explain what the hashtag BN and BD mean.

What does the hashtag #BD mean?

Probably in the morning you could see on your Twitter timeline - or on some other social network - many tweets that include the hashtag #BD, right? The truth is that you can find it at any time of the day, but it is not by chance that most of these hashtags are concentrated in the first hours of the morning. Why?

The answer is very simple: the hashtag #BD means "Good morning" and that is why many people use it in the mornings to write a tweet wishing the good morning.

What does the hashtag #BN mean?

Similarly, it is common at night to see tweets that include the hashtag #BN and, as in the previous case, this coincidence is not coincidental, but by the meaning of this hashtag. Indeed, #BN means "Good Night" and many twitterers use it in the last hours of the day or before going to sleep.

In this way, we can use #BN to say good night to our followers of Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or the social network you are using.