Spectacular monuments in Africa - discover them

In the region of Timbuktu, in the African country of Mali, you will witness some of the most extraordinary monuments of our time. To do this, you will have to travel to the city of Timbuktu, where majestic mosques Dijingareyber, Sankore and Sidi Yahya stand majestically. Some constructions that offer a singular visual spectacle to the most curious travelers, who are rewarded with the great artistic and historical wealth of these mosques. Keep reading this article and discover some of the most spectacular African monuments you can visit.

Dijingareyber Mosque

If you dare to approach this privileged natural enclave, you will be able to capture some magnificent snapshots of each and every one of the many charms with which Timbuktu offers its visitors. Its narrow and winding sandy streets transport us to the past to discover the lifestyle of its ancient inhabitants. Although the mosques are undoubtedly the main tourist attractions, among them the Dijingareyber, which is also the only one that can be accessed by non-Muslim visitors.

Built mainly with earth and organic materials such as fibers, straw and wood, it is surprising for its good state of conservation, although it has been restored several times. A magical place and faithful to its past, which despite being threatened by sand storms typical of the area, still retains its mysterious beauty.

Mosques of Sankore and Sidi Yahya

The other two mosques are Sankore, which also houses the University of the same name, and Sidi Yahya, other obligatory stops. Although in these constructions the access may not be so easy.

In any case, the visit to these mosques is part of one of those rare trips that bring us closer to the most inhospitable and unknown corners of the world, which have nothing to envy a country as touristy as France. So if the opportunity arises, do not let it pass and live a unique and unrepeatable experience in life.

Other important monuments of Africa to visit

Besides these, in the African continent there are many other monuments that are worth visiting because of their great history and beauty. Some of the most important monuments in Africa are those listed below:

  • Great Sphinx of Giza
  • The Colossi of Memnon
  • Rhodes Memorial
  • Egyptian pyramids
  • Luxor Temple
  • Temple of Nefertari
  • Temple of Hatshepsut
  • Sakara
  • Great Mosque of Kairouan