Can I give paracetamol to my cat? - here the answer

You can not give paracetamol to your cat . Self-medication is a very common habit in our society but this does not make it recommendable. Consuming medicines without the recommendation of a doctor can be harmful to health and even more so when this habit is transferred to give human medicines to our pets.

According to studies, one of the most frequent questions that pet health experts ask is: Can I give paracetamol to my cat? In response to this doubt, in the following .com article we will provide you with the information you need to know to treat your cat when it gets sick.

What is paracetamol and what is its effect

Let's start by understanding what paracetamol is and what is its effect on our organism. This drug is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesic drug that acts by cutting the chain of reactions that cause inflation. Paracetamol also has an antipyretic effect, which helps to reduce the temperature in case of fever.

In people, consuming paracetamol in doses higher than recommended can be toxic, causing serious damage to the liver, which in the worst case, can be fatal.

Why not give paracetamol to a cat

When we give our pets paracetamol what we are doing is actually intoxicating them. This drug is currently prohibited for dogs, because its sensitivity is much higher than in humans, however, giving acetaminophen to a cat is even more dangerous, since felines have an even greater sensitivity than dogs.

When a cat consumes paracetamol it begins to show symptoms between 3 to 10 hours after its ingestion. Cats can not metabolize this drug correctly, so they begin to die liver cells, occurring, in the most severe cases, the death of the pet between the 24 to 72 hours of ingested the drug.

So, recovering the initial doubt that arose in the article "Can I give paracetamol to my cat?" the answer is a strong NO . The animal's life is in danger if you give it to them so do not play it!

What to do if my cat has used paracetamol

Now you know that when you ask yourself "Can I give Acetaminophen to my cat or other brands of paracetamol?" The answer is no, and if you think something is wrong, then it is best to take it to the vet. But what happens if you eat one of these pills by accident?

In the event that paracetamol has been consumed by your cat accidentally, it is necessary to go immediately to a veterinarian . The specialist will take care of your cat and evaluate your situation; In case it has been taken at the time of consumption, a treatment will be administered that seeks to reduce the drug and facilitate its elimination, while trying to keep the vital signs of the animal constant.

If more than 3 hours have passed since the intake of paracetamol, the treatment for which your cat will be subjected requires life support due to the current severity of the poisoning. You will be given an antidote, oxygen therapy, and in the most severe cases you will even require a blood transfusion.

  • Always keep any type of medicine well stored and out of the reach of children and pets.
  • Remember that the drugs that humans consume are usually created specifically to affect our body's processes, so in an organism other than humans, the consequences can be terrible.
  • Before any strange behavior of your pet, go to the vet. A qualified professional can make an accurate diagnosis of what happens with it and offer the most appropriate treatments to ensure recovery.