What is the smallest planet in the solar system

Have you ever wondered what is the smallest planet in the solar system? Our planetary system is composed of a star, which is the sun, and 8 planets with different diameters that are located at different distances from the sun. Surely you've heard about Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and, of course, the earth, where we live. But what is the smallest planet among all these? In .com we answer it.

Steps to follow:


It is not easy to determine which is the largest planet in the universe, because man has not yet been able to decipher all the mysteries that are hidden in space, especially when it comes to planets outside our system.

However it is easy to determine which is the smallest planet in the solar system, it is Mercury, with 4878 km.


Mercury is also the planet that is closest to the sun, located at a distance of 57, 910, 000 kilometers with respect to this star.

It is a planet of solid or rocky type, such as Venus, Earth and Mars, this is because Mercury is an inner planet. In this one solar day corresponds to about 176 Earth days.


One of the most curious phenomena of this planet is the double dawn, where the sun rises, stops and then goes back to hiding almost at the same point where it came out, to then leave again and continue the journey. This can be observed only at some points on the surface of Mercury, being one of the features that most call attention to the smallest planet in the solar system .


There are smaller celestial bodies than Mercury in the solar system, they are the known dwarf planets .

This term was created by the International Astronomical Union in 2006 to define those celestial bodies of very small size that revolve around the sun but do not have a clean orbit, meaning that other planets cross their orbit, which is why they do not meet the characteristics that, according to this organism, all the planets must have.

These are:

  • Ceres
  • Pluto
  • Haumea
  • Makemake
  • Eris