How are all the planets

The planets that make up the solar system are 9: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. The main characteristic of the planets is that they revolve around the Sun and do not have their own light, they only reflect sunlight. In this article we will explain you with images and data as are all the planets of the Milky Way.

The planet Mercury

It is the planet closest to the Sun and the second smallest in the Solar System. Mercury is smaller than Earth, but larger than the Moon. These are the most relevant data of the planet Mercury: Radio aquatiorial 2440 kilomentros, the distance to the sun is the minor only 57, 910, 000, has no moon and the orbiting period of 88 days.


The planet Venus is the second planet in the Solar System closest to the Sun, and the third in size, from least to greatest. It receives its name in honor of Venus, the Roman goddess of love. These are the most relevant data: The equatorial radius is 6, 052 kilometers. The distance to the Sun is 108.00.000 km, it has no moons and the rotation period is 243 days.

The earth

The Earth is the planet where we live and the only one of all the planets of the inhabited Milky Way. In addition, to this day it is the only inhabited planet in the universe . The main characteristics of our planet are the following: The equatorial diameter is 6, 378 km, the distance to the sun is 149, 600, 000, it has a satellite, the moon 1. One day equals 23.93 hours and it takes to turn around of the sun 365, 256 days.


The planet Mars is the fourth of the solar system in distance from the sun. It is one of the "neighboring" planets of Earth along with the planet Venus in space. Earth is the third planet in distance from the sun, and Jupiter is the fifth. Like Earth, Jupiter, the sun and the rest of the planets of the solar system, Mars is about 4.6 billion years old. It is part of the planets superior to Earth, which are those that never pass between the Sun and the Earth. The equatorial radius is 3, 397 km. The distance to the sun is 227, 940, 000. It has two moons, one day is 24.62 hours. It takes 686.98 days to go around the sun.


Jupiter is the fifth planet farthest from the Sun and the largest of them all, by far (318 times the Earth). orbit: 778, 330, 000 km (5.20 AU) from the Sun. diameter: 142, 984 km (on the equator). mass: 1, 900e27 kg. Jupiter is the fourth brightest object in the sky. It has been known since prehistoric times. In 1610, Galileo discovered the four largest satellites of Jupiter (Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto).


Saturn is the sixth planet of the Solar System, the second largest is the only planet in the solar system with a ring system visible from our planet. Its name comes from the Roman god Saturn. Radio of the planet is: 58, 232 km Surface: 42, 700, 000, 000 km² Distance from the Sun: 1, 433, 000, 000 km. It is the planet that has more moons: Titan, Enceladus, Dione, Iapetus, Thetis, Mimas, Rea, Hyperion, More


Uranus is the third largest solar system, from largest to smallest, and the fourth most massive. It is called in honor of the Greek god of heaven Uranus the father of Cronus and the grandfather of Zeus . Uranus has the most uniform surface of all planets because of its characteristic blue-greenish color, produced by the combination of gases present in its atmosphere. Equatorial radius of the planet: 25, 362 km Surface: km². The distance with the sun is 2, 870, 990, 000 km.


Neptune is the planet in the solar system farthest from the sun. It is part of the so-called outer planets or gaseous giants, and it is the first one that was discovered thanks to mathematical predictions. Radio: 24, 622 km Mass: 102, 4E24 kg (17, 15 Landmass) Surface: 7, 618, 272, 763 km² and is at a distance of 4, 504, 300, 000 from the sun