How to make steel patina

After long periods of time, the metals age and change color, which is called patina . To make a metal appear larger than it is, you can apply a special treatment to the surface, which gives the same effect. With steel, it is necessary to use a patina that mimics the reddish color of oxide, without having the negative side effects of real oxide. When finished, the piece of steel will look old.

You will need to:
  • Rubber gloves
  • Cleaner / degreaser
  • Paper towels
  • Patinated steel kit
Steps to follow:


Place the piece of steel in a well-ventilated area, on top of a clean work surface. Clean the piece, using the degreasing cleaner and some paper towels.


Apply the liquid patina, from the steel patina kit on the surface of the piece of steel. Shake the excess of any patina from the surface and let stand for one hour.


Spray the potassium dichromate from the patina kit on the piece of steel, with small even strokes. Allow each layer to dry. Reapply until you have two or three layers.